which of the following was a consequence of the plague?

increase in the number of workers. The Black Plague completed it’s journey and died out by the end of 1351. Brief information about other syndromes caused by Y pestis infection follows: Plague meningitis occurs as a complication of bacteremia and may be the presenting clinical syndrome for some cases. The plague is a serious bacterial infection that can be deadly. The plague that is described in Oedipus Rex could possibly be related to the plague that struck Athens in 430–429 bc , the primary source for which is the papers of historian Thucydides (where he refers to an epidemic that has been named the plague of Athens) . The result contributes to the perceived extent and impact of plague. However, the later Muslim authors never mentioned or discussed this important event in relation to a clearly determined instance of plague. In 1665 a box of laundry was brought to Eyam by a traveller. Similarly, pneumonic plague can be either primary or secondary to septicemic plague or bubonic plague (ie, following hematogenous spread). The plague outbreak that visited London in 1636 first came to the attention of the English government in October 1635. Archaeological evidence for an epidemic in ancient Athens was discovered at the edge of the Kerameikos in 1994-1995, when a roughly-dug pit was found containing more than 150 skeletons, accompanied by humble grave goods dated by the excavators to 430-426 BC.The deceased were laid out in a disorderly manner, in more than five successive layers, without any … 4 0. Guyde Chauliac was an eyewitness to the plague in 1348 and his description, an exception to most accounts by physicians, is good not only for its accurate account of the symptomatology of the disease but also for his portrayal of its futility of conquest and the despair that accompanied it. The following is a translation of Guy de Chauliac's The absence of any description by Thucydides of scars, most often associated as a lasting consequence of smallpox, resulted from Thucydides following the Hippocratic School of disease theory which emphasized prognosis not diagnosis. increase of the number of workers. Plague is an acute, ... Less frequently, direct contact with infectious animal tissue can also result in infection. The most commonly known biblical plagues occurred in Egypt during the time of Moses. A small village in Derbyshire called Eyam, 6 miles north of Bakewell, has a story of tragedy and courage that will always be remembered. Bubonic plague: Patients develop sudden onset of fever, headache, chills, and weakness and one or more swollen, tender and painful lymph nodes (called buboes). The plague decimated Constantinople and spread like wildfire across Europe, Asia, North Africa and Arabia killing an estimated 30 to 50 million people, perhaps half of the world’s population. Direct infection of others may result from transfer of infection by respiratory droplets, causing primary pulmonary plague in the recipients. The plague had large scale social and economic effects, many of which are recorded in the introduction of the Decameron. 2- Sura al-Bakarah (chapter of the cow): during the recurrences of plague following the plague of Justinian.8 Furthermore, there were plague epidemics in the Mediterranean region at the same time. The plague bacteria can be transmitted to humans in the following ways: Flea bites. A Mass Grave Unearthed. People abandoned their friends and family, fled cities, and shut themselves off from the world. increase in the price of labor. 8 years ago. Symptoms of the following disorders can be similar to those of the plague. The plague started in China and made its way west across Asia to the Black Sea by 1347. with his food, a mower for less than 12d. Melissa. Answer Save. The gross loss of talent due to the plague caused a decline in per capita productivity by skilled labor remediable only by time and training (Hunt and Murray, 1999; Miskimin, 1975). A.J.Holladay & J.C.F.Poole - Multiple Diseases The Black Death and Great Plague The Black Death. Anonymous. 2 Answers. 100 The wave model allows scholars to sidestep a series of seemingly intractable issues: whether the Y. pestis responsible for late antique plague outbreaks was enzootic, the interaction between climate and plague, and the connection between plague and trade networks. Plague bacteria are most often transmitted by the bite of an infected flea. By the following August, the plague had spread as far north as England, where people called it "The Black Death" because of the black spots it produced on the skin. Scripture reveals that God sent plagues as a consequence of disobedience and idolatry. True or False: As a result of the plague, more peasants had to work for their lords for free 40 days a year, instead of just paying him directly. The following 5 points support this correlation. presentation which charts the following: 1) Causes of the Plague 2) Explanations/ Reactions to its spread, and 3) Consequences of the Plague. anti-Semitism. Black Death, pandemic that ravaged Europe between 1347 and 1351, taking a proportionately greater toll of life than any other known epidemic or war up to that time. The consequences of the Black Death have had both immediate and long-term effects on human population across the world. decline in trade. 1 – the number of Western European monarchs killed by the Black Death. Which of the following was a major consequence of the Renaissance? Therefore, many crops perished in the fields for want of someone to gather them." (9) The Black Death is, in fact, not one but two related diseases. Pneumonic plague is the only manifestation of plague that can be transmitted from one person to another. The Black Death (also known as the Pestilence, the Great Mortality, or the Plague) was a bubonic plague pandemic occurring in Afro-Eurasia from 1346 to 1353. European kingdoms inadvertently encountered the plague while exploring and expanding new ways to exchange goods with Asia in 1347 C.E., ultimately causing one of the most disastrous pandemics in … In the following autumn no one could get a reaper for less than 8d. Smaller armies were a result of lower taxes. It's caused by poor sanitation, overcrowding, and large rodent populations. These posters can be designed using images or artwork depicting the disease and its effects. The most common form is bubonic plague. Favorite Answer. During plague epizootics, ... Several cases of human plague have occurred in the United States in recent decades as a result … with his food. If possible, students should also include a map charting the areas of the world hit by the Plague. Another immediate consequence of the Black Death was dislocation of the demand for goods. answer choices True This was Alphonso XI, the Implacable (1312–50), the king of Castile, León and Galicia, who died from plague during a siege of Gibraltar. not D, hundred years war was way far away in 1648. economic decline maybe poltiical reform not really, rebirth of chiristanity could be applied looseley since after this the renaissance also had to do with christian humanists trying to reform and change christanity as it was, economic decline i know for sure but your teacher may be looking for C, so its between those two, probably A The world after the plague was one of with more opportunity for the creative and capable individuals. The bacteria multiply in the lymph node closest to where the bacteria entered the human body. Although the people of Medieval Europe did not know the direct cause of the Plague, they believed without doubt that God was responsible, judging human behavior and ready to punish the wicked. The laundry was found to be infested with fleas, and the epidemic started. The Plague Window, Eyam Church. To harass the trapped townspeople, the Tartars used their catapults to hurl the dead bodies of their comrades over the town walls spreading the epidemic among the Genoese. It is the most fatal pandemic recorded in human history, resulting in the deaths of 75–200 million people in Eurasia and North Africa, peaking in Europe from 1347 to 1351. As a result of the Plague, the French converted to a system of paid, professional, army, whereas the English had been there and done that for quite sometime. A network of independent, educated people who were not totally reliant on either the state or the church. Q. The term "plague" is found roughly 100 times in the Bible, primarily in the Old Testament. It produces severe pneumonia. The Black Death is widely thought to have been the result of plague, caused by infection with the bacterium Yersinia pestis. Relevance. However, this pandemic brought positive consequences to European society. One theory is that a group of infected Tartars besieged a Genoese outpost on the coast. It had spread to Wales by 1349. A terrible killer was loose across Europe, and Medieval medicine had nothing to combat it. In 1348, the Black Death arrived in England. Which of the following was NOT a consequence of the plague? What environmental change is credited with forcing pastoral peoples and plague-bearing rodents into closer contact with settled agricultural villages? Pneumonic plague may result from secondary infection of the lungs following dissemination of plague bacilli from other body sites. Source(s): my brain. This form is usually the result of an infected flea bite. The Political Consequences. The Plague reached southern England in the late summer of 1348 and swept northward through the following year.

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