what happens to the doll in coraline

While exploring, Coraline finds a small door sealed off by a brick wall. When Coraline refuses the button deal, the Other Mother gets angry and we see her true form. For this reason, these story are used as programming tools in actual Mind Control sessions. While, at first, the movie caters to everything children like, it then turns to everything that scares children (many parents reported that this seemingly child-friendly movie terrified their children and gave them nightmares). Think of three or four fairy tales that you know of. Coraline’s other parents proposing her to sow buttons on her face. there's a doll similar to Coraline's where the Other Mother watches them and guides them to the door. said Coraline. As you might know by reading Vigilant Citizen, the removal of eyes is the main symbol representing MK programming. The cat also seems to know a lot about the Beldam and the world she created. Everyone's rag doll, once upon a time, had buttons for eyes. The movie ends with the black cat magically disappearing behind a pole. This movie, which features visuals based on the comforting feel of arts and crafts, nevertheless alludes to mind control, the most sadistic practice known to man. Coraline also deftly uses adult horror … Furthermore, when in the Other World, the cat can speak with her. ... baby doll's shoulder and body are cloth with internal filling PP cotton,3/4 vinyl arms and 3/4 vinyl legs, the body has no gender. While the following for the original remains strong, the lack of interest from both Laika or Gaiman in actively developing a sequel make a Coraline 2 unlikely. All of these scenes allude to the witchcraft aspect involved in MK programming. She finds a hidden door with a bricked up passage. After some adventuring, Coraline saves the ghosts by finding their eyes and destroying Beldam’s constructed world. The very end of the movie might provide an answer. Everything is made especially for her and everything is made to make her feel special. When Coraline finally escapes the Other World, she traps the Beldam in it. It represents the Beldam imprinting Coraline’s forever – even if she was apparently defeated. Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. As it is the case with many other works in mass media, Coraline‘s hidden meaning can only be understood by those who have “eyes to see”. Or his job as a programmer is complete? By doing so, the brain “disconnects” from the body and the sensation of pain disappears. Throughout the movie, Coraline is told that there is “only one key” that can open and lock the door to the alternate world – and the Beldam desperately wants it. In this scene, the ghosts are hiding one eye while asking Coraline to find their eyes, the only way their souls will be freed. Also, she has buttons instead of eyes. This world is everything Coraline wishes for, but there is one small hiccup: It is fake, created by a sadistic handler to manipulate her. Coraline will call this doll “Little Me”. Another big one happens at the very beginning of the movie: the re-sewing of the little girl doll into Coraline at the beginning of the film. That's not to say it couldn't happen one day, possibly with a different creative time, but for now, Coraline will remain a beloved cult gem. However, at night, Coraline is “magically” lead back to the door and she finds out that it leads to an alternate reality. Unlike the film, the Beldam has human flesh in her true form, although her blood is described to be more like \"black tar\". Does the cat magically disappear because his job as a guide is complete? In the Other World, Coraline’s father created an entire garden that looks like Coraline’s face when seen from above. Note the position of the Other Mother the second time Coraline falls asleep and leaves the Other World: she occupies the exact same spot as the doll. We’ll look at the hidden meaning of the movie Coraline. Here's an in-depth analysis of the most important parts, in an easy-to-understand format. Both the colour of the background and the border complement each other well as the red/orange background creates a sense of danger before the film has started, … For this reason, there is “only one key”. Parents Guide. A young girl walks through a secret door in her new home and discovers an alternate version of her life. Coraline finds a small locked door in her house. All of these movies, including Coraline, follow the same basic blueprint: 1) The protagonist is a young girl that is curious, fearless, resourceful, and not afraid to speak her mind; 2) She is bored with her life and wishes for fun and adventure; 3) She magically enters a world that is strange, but wonderful; and 4) She gets “hooked” into the alternate world and doesn’t want to go back to reality. The cat called both of them to parent's room, and they saw the doll that was half Mrs. Jones and Mr. Jones's body. var sc_project=5059829; Coraline then happily goes back to her real world and tries to make the best of real life. If one examines this scene closely, “with eyes to see”, it symbolically (and creepily) depicts how MK slaves are taken, traumatized, and programmed by a handler–represented throughout the movie by a metallic hand. Knowing that Coraline is upset with the disgusting food of her real parents, the Other Mother projects the warm and comforting sight of a mother preparing a home cooked meal for her family. When Coraline asks for a clue as to her parent's location, the Other Mother merely taps her eye, causing Coraline to angrily respond "Fine, don't tell me." Can the Beldam now “trigger” Coraline back into her world whenever she needs to? Everything in the Other World is tailor-made to charm Coraline and to fulfill her needs (which are the needs of all children): Receiving attention from parents, having fun and discovering wonderful things. This should be a comforting and familiar thing, but, for modern children, it isn't. This is contradicted when she stated she had buried her mother alive and how she had taken 60 years to eventually die, suggesting whatever species the Beldam is, it reproduces as humans do and can go a longer time without air, water or food than humans can. In fact, the very first scene of the movie is basically a “Mind Control 101″ summation of the entire process. She discovers a world that seems to be an alternate version of her life with only one slight difference- everything is better. Part of the movie’s appeal is its simple, child-friendly premise interlaced with twisted imagery and psychological depth. There is little violence and no gore, but this is a movie that rather shockingly attacks children's most basic fears. The film opens with a normal title sequence with a rusty coloured background, around the frame of the screen there is a white lace border which relates to the whole making of the doll scene. While the following for the original remains strong, the lack of interest from both Laika or Gaiman in actively developing a sequel make a Coraline 2 unlikely. To do so however, Coraline must let the Other Mother sew buttons over her eyes. In her quest for freedom, Coraline is not alone. Like in other MK-themed movies (such as Labyrinth), while the final scene of the movie appears to be a celebration, the celebration is dampened by creepy little details that hint that all might not be “well and good”. Coraline asks where the other mother is, and the other father says she’s dealing with a “vermin problem.” When Coraline asks if there’s trouble with the rats, the other father says that the cat is the problem. What happens to Coraline's Dad (sort of) is really awful. Soon Coraline burnt the doll in the living room. Its clothes are removed using scissors (a reference to abuse? The hands dismantle the doll, which is wearing a pink dress and has curly brown hair, and reassemble it into a new doll with blue hair, a yellow raincoat, and galoshes. An adventurous 11-year-old girl finds another world that is a strangely idealized version of her frustrating home, but it has sinister secrets. Coraline's "other mother" invites her to stay forever if she lets her sew buttons, and Coraline begins to realize that this alternate universe is a trick to lure her in so her Other Mother can essentially "eat up her soul." The first scene of the movie sums up what will happen during the entire movie: The programming of a young girl by a sadistic handler. 1. The word also resembles the term Grand Dame, the title given to important women in the Illuminati mind control system. A water witch or dowser, redrawn from a sixteenth-century woodcut. As the view of the garden pans out, observant viewers might realize something odd. The creation of the alter persona is symbolically complete. Coraline is then locked in a room where she finds the ghosts of other kids who became the handler’s slaves. As the credits appear, a pair of metallic hands with spindly fingers summons a doll from the dark abyss outside a window. Besides this, the Beldam recounts to Coraline about how she murdered her own mother and buried her alive in a grave, giving credence to the highly likely possibility that the Beldam has human origins. While the occult elite represents itself with the All-Seeing Eye, Mind Control is represented by removing eyes – causing the slave to lose sight of reality. While exploring her new house, Coraline finds a small door that leads to an alternate version of her reality where her parents are fun and attentive and where everything is magical and wonderful. The illusion of the Other World is broken. The Guardian ranked Coraline #82 in its list of 100 Best Books of the 21st Century. At least, they never said anything about it, and Coraline never mentioned it to them. This key represents access to Coraline’s psyche. Coraline finds a small locked door in her house. The symbolism of buttons instead of eyes is extremely important in this movie: it illustrates that the characters in the alternate world are puppets fabricated by the handler. The garden is shaped like the face of Beldam. A creepy poster of the movie featuring an All-Seeing Eye inside a triangle. Coraline's mom thinks she's being kind of weird, playing with her dolls, but she doesn't press: she gives her a disposal plastic tablecloth and tells her to be back for lunch. In fact, it reminds me of Videodrome, for those in the know. It really happens that some customers cannot receive the confirmation letter. To find the children ghosts’ missing eyes, Coraline must use a symbolic tool: A triangle with a hole in it. It is a father/son effort with ties to Nike. Coraline is a little girl who moved into a new house with her parents. var sc_invisible=1; Then they send it back into the void. Sometimes she wondered whether they had ever noticed that they had lost two days in the real world, and came to the eventual conclusion that they had not. However, the novel canon hints that the Beldam was formerly human, as evidenced when she recounted her childhood experience of burying her mother alive. It shows a pair of creepy metallic hands transforming an old doll into a new one. Some professional therapists have come to realize that this is how the core is split.” no doll identical to her parents so the other mother can watch them. This article is an Incomplete Article, it requires editors to improve it. The person the child trusted the most is the person the child fears the most. Do not confuse this article for the real world Charlie Jones! In the end, Coraline appears to vanquish her foe but, as subtle symbolism suggests, she might have simply done exactly what was expected from her all along. Coraline finds her “Other Mother” who is warmer, more attentive and a better cook than her real mother. Let’s look at the movie’s protagonist. Coraline brings this dolls everywhere she goes. She just wanted to take their lives and soles to add on to hers. At one point, Wybie gives Coraline a strange gift: A doll that looks just like her. 9. | She finds a bricked up passage in the wall, but during the night it opens up. 11. A nameless black cat becomes Coraline’s guide and mentor throughout her journey. The black cat first appears to Coraline while she’s “water witching” at the beginning of the movie. CORALINE’S PARENTS NEVER SEEMED to remember anything about their time in the snow globe. When her mother unlocks it, the door leads nowhere. 14. Coraline follows a similar script as the protagonist goes through a small door to access the “wonderful” alternate reality. Soon after, Coraline discovers a small door in the l… Wybie later leaves Coraline a button-eyed rag doll he discovered in his grandmother's trunk that eerily resembles her. Coraline is based on a book by Neil Gaiman, an author well known for writing fantasy tales ... What ideas does it give you to explain what happens in the rest of the film? Was Coraline actually manipulated by the cat? However, unlike 9, Coraline received rave reviews and almost universal praise for its story and visuals. | They are prominently lit to emphasize the black magic/occult transformation of the MK process happening in the alternate world. While many viewers probably did not notice this almost-subliminal tidbit, it has a heavy meaning. Eyes ripped out. Coraline meets the landlady's grandson, Wyborne "Wybie" Lovat, and a stray black catwho follows him around. When the Other Mother invites Coraline to stay in her world forever, the girl refuses and finds that the alternate reality where she is trapped is only a trick to lure her. The first scene of the movie sums up what will happen during the entire movie: The programming of a young girl by a sadistic handler. While watching The Wizard of Oz, slaves are told to “go over the rainbow” and while watching Alice in Wonderland, they must “walk through the looking glass”. As proved by the number of screenshots used in this article, the movie contains a wealth of subtle symbols that tell their own story, one that is laced with occultism and the dark process of Monarch mind control. Before going into the details of the movie, let’s look at its general premise. These storylines encourage slaves who are being tortured to escape the trauma by dissociating from reality and entering an alternate reality (programmed by the handler). – Ibid. And everyone has buttons for eyes. Throughout the movie, magical, supernatural things happen around her. It shows that she is growing impatient with Coraline. She removes the boards on the well, which are pretty heavy, and puts the tablecloth over the hole. In this scene, the Black Cat leads Coraline back to the portal to the Other World, causing her to dissociate again. In MK symbolism, dolls represent the slave’s alter persona. As expected, Coraline realizes that she likes it better in the Other World. It’s not clear. An adventurous 11-year-old girl finds another world that is a strangely idealized version of her frustrating home, but it has sinister secrets. When Coraline moves to an old house, she feels bored and neglected by her parents. The handler therefore knows exactly which “buttons to push” to get a positive response from Coraline. "); Copyright © 2018| Submit Content | Privacy Policy | Contact Us, Coraline is voiced by Dakota Fanning, a child star (she was about 15 years old when working on Coraline) who has appeared in other MK-themed movies (see my article on, Send EMails To: Illuminator(at)IlluminatiMindControl(dot)com, The Templars: The History and the Myth: From Solomon’s Temple to the Freemasons, Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control. She walks down the hall to her other father ’s study and finds him sitting inert at the desk. The creepy hands of an unseen creep are about to get to work on this doll (which represents an MK slave). 10. Doll in hand, Coraline takes note of everything in their flat, including a painting of a sullen-looking boy in blue clothes above the fireplace. Lifelike 17.5'' Coraline Life Lke Boy Baby Dolls by Rebirthdoll Exclusive. In this sense, the premise of Coraline is similar to stories such as The Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland and Labyrinth. Due to her parents struggling to complete their gardening catalog, Coraline is often ignored. Wybie surprised. Having trouble understanding Coraline? And, for those who know about Mind Control symbolism, the movie goes even deeper: It symbolically depicts the process of programming of a mind control slave at the hands of a manipulative handler (if you have no idea what I’m talking about, read the article Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control). The Other Father, created by the beldam, was a doll (made from a pumpkin) used to help trick Coraline Jones into staying in the other world, but it is later revealed that he is actually on Coraline's side. “An Illuminati Grande Dame will assist the programmers to insure that the proper script is given to the child and that a psychotic break doesn’t occur causing the victim to lose their mind.” In this scene, the black cat shows Coraline how the Other World is a fake construct created by the Beldam to lure Coraline. Coraline's Twin Fanfiction. That's not to say it couldn't happen one day, possibly with a different creative time, but for now, Coraline will remain a beloved cult gem. However, sometimes, the doll appears to lure Coraline to places where her handler wants her to go: The alternate world or, in MK terms, dissociation. Is this a nod to the All-Seeing in triangle? In Coraline, the black cat basically plays the same role and becomes vital to her succeeding. Later in the movie, Coraline’s father calls her a “twichy, witchy girl” while singing to her. While the black cat appears to be of great help, he also tends to lead Coraline into Beldam’s traps. However, sometimes, the doll appears to lure Coraline to places where her handler wants her to go: The alternate world or, in MK terms, dissociation. Synopsis Coraline takes the doll and goes to see her father who tells her to explore the house and write down what she sees ... as long as she will let him work. When … A fairy tale setting Coraline is similar in some ways to a fairy tale, though it is a modern story. var sc_security="276f6cae"; From at least the time of the other kidnapped children (the ones who’s soles Coraline rescued), so I like 100 years . In Monarch Mind Control, the Grand Dame is one of the three people that assist in the programming of young slaves. Her origins are very vague and even what she really isis unknown. Notice the two horned (Baphomet-like) heads in the background. It might surprise you to learn that Nike, the most popular … : "http://www. But things get creepy very quickly. “As a child of the Illuminati progressed through its programming, three people had oversight over its programming: its Grande Mother, its Grande Dame, and the Programmer.” In European folklore, black cats were believed to be witches’ “familiars”- spirits who aid and protect them while they accomplish their magical work. Coraline looking for a secret well using her dowsing rod. Directed by Henry Selick. The Film of the Book of Coraline, with Henry Selick (of The Nightmare Before Christmas fame) as director and writer. The concept of eyes (and the lack thereof) is extremely important in this movie, as it is in actual MK Programming symbolism. Lightning HandThe very first time Coraline reaches the other world, she’s having a great time until … Coraline brings this dolls everywhere she goes. In short, it is deception at its finest. She has to rescue her parents from the Other Mother and make it home safely, relying on her tricks- and the help of a sassy talking cat, naturally. The Ghost Children are victims of the Other Mother.Like Coraline, they were lured into the Other World and given a choice to stay if they had buttons sewn into their eyes, but unlike her, they accepted her offer. Coraline moves to a new home where she feels bored and alone. In fact, was the Beldam truly defeated? 12. It is later revealed that the Other Mother is the handler in disguise. The doll is then refilled by the handler and made to look like Coraline. She states that her older daughter had mastered the same piece at the same age, so … "She took them!" Read the book and find out. While the film appears to be aimed at young people, Coraline’s imagery tells a hidden story: The programming of a mind control slave at the hands of a sadistic handler. In MK terms, the black cat is showing Coraline the confines of the dissociative world. The three ghosts call the Other Mother “Beldam”, which means “ugly, evil-looking old woman”. The Other Mother asks Coraline to stay with her forever. Sewing buttons onto her eyes means that she would permanently become the handler’s puppet, who would then, as the movie states, “devour her soul”. – Ibid. Like in Coraline, the Grand Dame is somewhat of a (twisted) mother figure. What if she travelled to the other world with her? var scJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "Why this happens?" Given the Beldam feeds on spiritu… – Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Formula to Create a Mind Control Slave. Unfortunately, most people still have buttons. After the Other Mother had finished with them, they were imprisoned behind the mirror, unable to pass on without their eyes (in the film) or hearts (in the book). In MK terms, she would lose control of her core persona by staying stuck in the dissociative world created by her handler (the equivalent of devouring her soul). So is the black cat helping or manipulating Coraline? The clean split occurs when the child is confronted with two irreconcilable opposing viewpoints of someone who is important to them. The entire movie is based on the symbolism of a menacing hand (representing the handler) manipulating a young girl, luring her into a world created to appeal to her psyche. Sneaky Coraline has something up her sleeve: she heads straight to the well. The creation of the alter persona is symbolically complete. Taglines Coraline is a popular stop-motion movie released in 2009. They ask her to help find their eyes. The doll is then refilled by the handler and made to look like Coraline. I’m not sure about that. When MK slaves give in to dissociation, the “relief” it causes at first quickly turns into a nightmare. To save your parents?" She is constantly bored and unhappy and her parents do not give her the attention she wants. The child can’t reconcile the two extremely opposite views of the same person, one being a loving caretaker, and the other being the worst kind of abuser. "What should we do? When Other Mother says Coraline can stay in their perfect world if she replaces her eyes with buttons Join us in today's vlog as Jessii talks about her recent Coraline dream. 13. That night, Coraline is awakened by a mouse and follows it to the small door where she discovers a long, dark corridor in the brick wall's place. “A close loving bond is needed between a child and the initial abuser so that a clean split is created when the initial mind-splitting trauma is carried out. Coraline goes into the kitchen to find it empty. During the night, she crosses the passage and finds a parallel world where everybody has buttons instead of eyes, with caring parents and all her dreams coming true. "https://secure." Coraline Jones and her parents, Mel and Charlie, move into an old mansion that has been divided up and is now known as the Pink Palace Apartments. Coraline (/ ˈ k ɒr əl aɪ n /) is a dark fantasy children's novella by British author Neil Gaiman, published in 2002 by Bloomsbury and Harper Collins.It was awarded the 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novella, the 2003 Nebula Award for Best Novella, and the 2002 Bram Stoker Award for Best Work for Young Readers. For the first time in its history, Laika will auction puppets, models and props from its stop motion films. It’s a magic doll. Coraline goes through it and finds herself in the other world´, a fantastical version of the Pink Palace inhabited by doppelgangers and better versions of her parents called the other mother and other father, who have black button… What if she had a bad feeling about it? When Coraline goes through the door, she enters back into her house – but everything is slightly different. The insides are forcibly removed (representing the removal of the slave’s core persona?). "I can't believe your story is real!" Plot Keywords Coraline gasped. Coraline was the first animated movie released by Focus Pictures, the same company that later released 9, another animated movie with a dark underlying meaning (read the article about it here). Was throwing the key to her psyche down that well a good move? Her family organizes a party in their garden – the same garden that was made to look like Coraline in the Other World. While, at first glance, Coraline appears to be a cautionary tale about appreciating what you’ve got and not falling for things that are too good to be true, the movie’s dark and twisted imagery hints to deeper concepts. Coraline sees the true form of the other mother, a skeletal spider-like monstrosity. When Coraline escapes (dissociates) to the Other World, the concept of buttons replacing eyes represent the illusory nature of this world and the blindness of those trapped in it. Because of this, her friend Wybie will call her a “water witch”. Either Coraline has control of it or the Beldam does. On the surface, this parallel reality is eerily similar to her real life - only much better. She then throws the key to the Other World (which represents her psyche) down the magical well she found while water-witching. | This is another way to win over Coraline, by tapping in children’s need of being the center of the world. Not so coincidentally, the Beldam in Coraline basically plays the role of a Grand Dame in mind control programming. What if Coraline had a twin called Carol? ), Hair ripped out from its head (a form of trauma-inducing torture?). Fridge Brilliance, with a little bit of YMMV thrown in, but what the Other Mother describes about her own mother is almost exactly what happens to her by the end of the story: The Other Mother sought to be Coraline's true mother.

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