Over the course of the year, a total of 8,820 civilians became casualties of the conflict. Security Council debate on the Situation in Afghanistan, SRSG Lyons speaking at Afghanistan 2020 Conference. Afghanistan remains the deadliest conflict for children as child casualties constituted 31 percent of civilian casualties in the first nine months of 2020, with 553 children killed and 1,295 injured. Last week, UNAMA released its annual report on civilian casualties in Afghanistan. Many knew little if anything about whether an investigation was being undertaken, and sought justice, information and/or an apology by those responsible. Within a broader, ongoing debate focused on U.S. and other assessments of efforts to stabilize Afghanistan, UNAMA’s role has been emphasized in different contexts, particularly in … Two professors, working for the American University of Afghanistan and kidnapped by the Taliban in 2016 in Kabul, remained in captivity. Though overall numbers for 2020 were lower compared to those of the previous year, there was a surge in civilians killed and injured in the Central Asian country following the launch of … Similarly, concerns remain about vehicle-borne IEDs that cause many civilian casualties due to the large explosive power used, even if they are not directed against civilians or civilian objects. Though overall numbers for 2020 were lower compared to those of the previous year, there was a surge in civilians killed and injured in the Central Asian country following the launch of … KABUL – There was a rise in civilians killed and injured in Afghanistan following the start of peace negotiations in September, although overall numbers for 2020 were down due to lower civilian casualty rates earlier in the year, according to a report released today by the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) and the UN Human Rights Office. The annual UNAMA anti-corruption report released today shows that the institutional fight against graft in Afghanistan between January 2019 and April 2020 has stalled in many areas. Over the course of the year, a total of 8,820 civilians became casualties of the conflict. The number of civilians killed and wounded in violence across war-weary Afghanistan fell by 15 percent last year compared to 2019, according to a United Nations report released Tuesday. Afghanistan has seen record-high levels of civilian casualties in the third quarter of 2019, stemming mainly from the violence between pro- and anti-Government elements, the UN Assistance Mission in the country (UNAMA) revealed in a report published Thursday, which concluded that more must be done to protect the country’s people. A distressing feature of the conflict remains the shocking and disproportionate impact on Afghan women and children. For a seventh consecutive year, UNAMA documented more than 3,000 civilians killed in a single year, with Afghanistan remaining among the deadliest places in the world to be a civilian. Find latest updates on global humanitarian responses, UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, ACAPS Short note: Afghanistan - Conflict-induced displacement in the southern provinces (1 December 2020), Protecting Children in Afghanistan – Advocacy, Action, and Accountability, September 2020, UNHCR Afghanistan: Priority Areas of Return and Reintegration - (As of August 2020), Afghanistan: Humanitarian Response Plan 2018-2021 (2020 Mid-Year Monitoring Report). 17 June 2020 S/2020/549: This was the … Anti-Government Elements (AGEs) in 2020 caused the majority of civilian casualties (62 per cent), totalling 5,459 casualties – 1,885 killed and 3,574 injured with the Taliban responsible for most of these casualties (45 per cent of the total) and Islamic State in the Levant-Khorasan Province (ISIL-KP) responsible for 8 per cent. NANGARHAR – Looking to promote dialogue and contribute to local peace, peace centre members of Nangarhar University have been engaging communities in the country’s east. SURGE IN CIVILIAN CASUALTIES FOLLOWING AFGHANISTAN PEACE NEGOTIATIONS START - UN REPORT. UNAMA report shows sharp rise in casualties among Afghan civilians in first half of 2103. Open training opportunities in the humanitarian field. While the report acknowledges that the reform agenda has been overshadowed by the presidential elections and the pandemic, it does not hold back from pointing to failures in […] (1) UNAMA’s breakdown in how civilians were killed and injured was as follows: UNAMA recognizes that in the context of the war in Afghanistan, all parties are prone to issue tendentious pronouncements. Afghanistan. The reports are prepared pursuant to relevant resolutions of the General Assembly and the Security Council. Access your account or create a new one for additional features or to post job or training opportunities. Media contact: Spokesperson-UNAMA@un.org(link sends e-mail). 21 Dec 2020 UN envoy Lyons briefing the Security Council on the situation in Afghanistan UN conducts extensive development and humanitarian work in Afghanistan. The majority of victims interviewed continued to require financial assistance, protection, medical care, and psychosocial support in the aftermath of an incident. “2020 could have been the year of peace in Afghanistan. Security Council Press Statement on targeted attacks against civilians in Afghanistan, Celebrating women leaders - International Women’s Day, Radio series spotlights the role of youth as peace ambassadors, Surge in Civilian Casualties following Afghanistan Peace Negotiations start - UN Report, Killing of Human Rights Defenders and Media Professionals in Afghanistan – new UN report, Torture allegations remain high, with detainees' procedural rights ignored - UN Torture Report, Inclusion of women voices in peace talks stressed at Global Open Days discussions, Peace - the overriding priority, say community leaders in the south, Nangarhar University students take peacebuilding discussions to communities, Secretary-General appoints Mette Knudsen as his new Deputy Special Representative (Political) for Afghanistan, Secretary-General appoints Ramiz Alakbarov as his new Deputy Special Representative for Afghanistan, UN envoy Lyons briefing the Security Council on the situation in Afghanistan, Live and on-demand webcast of UN Security Council session on latest Afghanistan report, Afghans remain hopeful in peace process despite the many challenges. Join the conversation on Facebook (English, Dari and Pashto), Twitter and Instagram. The UN mission to Afghanistan (UNAMA) report released on Tuesday said that overall the civilian casualty figure for the first nine months of 2020 dropped by around 30 percent compared to the same period in 2019, but while the number of civilian casualties is lowest in the first nine months of any year since 2012, “the harm done to civilians remains inordinate and shocking.” The Mission supports effective governance, promoting national ownership and accountable institutions that are built on respect for human rights. “This important report has the overriding objective of providing the parties responsible with the facts, and recommendations, so they take immediate and concrete steps to protect civilians. This was the Secretary-General’s report on UNAMA. Without any end to the conflict, parties need to prevent and mitigate civilian casualties, including through adhering to the report’s recommendations. UNAMA was established on 28 March 2002 by United Nations Security Council Resolution 1401. In a special report into the impact of damage to more than 60 sites in Farah province’s Bakwa district and in neighbouring Delaram district on 5 May, investigators from the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (), verified 39 civilian casualties – 30 deaths, five injured and four “undetermined”.The toll included 14 children and one woman. List of alerts, ongoing and past disasters covered by ReliefWeb. Thirty-two of the 65 victims were human rights defenders and 33 others were media professionals, the UN Assistance Mission for Afghanistan (UNAMA) report said. In addition to the situation in Afghanistan, the delegates discussed the intra-Afghan talks, the implementation of the […] The special report Killings of Human Rights Defender and Media Professionals also documented “changing patterns” of attacks. KABUL, 16 December 2020 - Media can follow http://webtv.un.org for the live webcast of the UN S, MAIDAN WARDAK – Panellists in a series of UN-backed radio programmes across Afghanistan’s central provinces remain hopeful, despite all the many challenges and obstacles, that latest peace efforts will result in a final settlement ending decades, United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, Hundreds of Afghan women have had their voices heard on peace, without them needing to leave their homes or have access to the internet, in a door-to-door programme conducted in the country’s northeast. The UNAMA field office in Kunduz, in partnership with the Afghan Women’s Network, organised the campaign as part of national efforts to include diverse views in … NEW YORK - Ramiz Alakbarov was appointed as the Secretary-General’s Deputy Special Representative for Afghanistan with UNAMA, serving also as the United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator. NEW YORK - Ramiz Alakbarov was appointed as the Secretary-General’s Deputy Special Representative for Afghanistan with UNAMA, serving also as the United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator. 30 April 2019 S/2019/481 For a seventh consecutive year, UNAMA documented more than 3,000 civilians killed in a single year, with Afghanistan remaining among the deadliest places in the world to be a civilian. For the first time since it began systematic documentation in 2009, UNAMA documented an increase in the number of civilian casualties recorded in the fourth quarter compared with the third quarter. While the reduced numbers are welcome, documentation shows that the lower levels of overall harm were partially offset by increases from certain tactics, as well as from an uncharacteristic increase in civilian harm in the last quarter of the year. - The Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Afghanistan, Deborah Lyons, today briefed the Security Council on the situation in Afghanistan. KUNDUZ - Hundreds of Afghan women have had their voices heard on peace -without them needing to leave their homes or have access to the internet- in a door-to-door programme conducted in the country’s northeast by the Afghan W. BAMYAN - The role of youth as agents of peace and development was spotlighted during a series of UN-backed radio programmes in the country’s central and southeast provinces. This was the Secretary-General’s report on UNAMA. Ground engagements were the leading cause of civilian casualties in 2020 (36 per cent), a slight increase compared with 2019. Instead, thousands of Afghan civilians perished due to the conflict,” said Deborah Lyons, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Afghanistan. OCHA coordinates the global emergency response to save lives and protect people in humanitarian crises. Refworld is the leading source of information necessary for taking quality decisions on refugee status. Strikingly, international military forces in 2020 were responsible for their lowest recorded number of civilian casualties since UNAMA began documentation in 2009. “They ask that their grief be recognised, their voices heard and an end to the conflict. In 2020, this figure was 120 civilian casualties, down from 786 in 2019, a decrease of 85 per cent. Deborah Lyons, the Special Representative for Afghanistan and head of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), is expected to brief on the latest Secretary-General’s report on the mission, due on 15 March. Find help on how to use the site, read terms and conditions, view the FAQs and API documentation. (Last Updated On: October 27, 2020)In a new report released Tuesday, the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) said the overall civilian casualty figure for the first nine months of this year had dropped by about 30 percent against the same period last year but that the harm done to civilians remains inordinate and shocking. KABUL - The inclusion of women in peace negotiations and other decision-making processes has been the focus of a series of discussions currently taking place across Afghanistan, marking ‘Global Open Days’. The Mission coordinates international support for Afghan development and humanitarian priorities. “The ever-growing number of women, men, boys and girls affected by the conflict need to be remembered. We advocate for effective and principled humanitarian action by all, for all. The Council was also briefed by Saad Mohseni, Chief Executive of … UNAMA, in its biannual Report on the Treatment of Conflict-Related Detainees, reported multiple allegations of disappearances by the ANP in Kandahar. For now, though, Afghanistan’s peaceful Eid already seems lost in the post-Eid bloodshed. 17 December 2020 Afghanistan: Vote on Sanctions Draft Resolution* While there was an increase in the number of civilian casualties that were unclaimed by any party and for which UNAMA could not attribute responsibility, the report finds that the Taliban caused 19 per cent fewer civilian casualties than in 2019 and the ISIL-KP 45 per cent fewer. Also of grave concern is the use of explosive weapons in civilian populated areas, especially the use of indirect fire, such as artillery shells, mortars and rockets during ground engagements, but also the use of airstrikes and IEDs in civilian populated areas. The overall reduction in civilian casualties in 2020 was due to factors such as fewer suicide attacks by AGEs causing large numbers of civilian casualties, especially in urban areas, and a stark drop in casualties attributed to international military forces. ReliefWeb Labs projects explore new and emerging opportunities to improve information delivery to humanitarians. They have lost loved ones, suffered injuries, have had to leave their homes and face economic and social difficulties. 3,035 people were killed and 5,785 were injured. In accordance with its mandate as a political mission, UNAMA backs conflict prevention and resolution, promoting inclusion and social cohesion, as well as strengthening regional cooperation. The most recent wave, that of intentional, premeditated and deliberate targeting of individuals with perpetrators remaining anonymous contrasts to previous years, UNAMA … The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) in a new report released on Wednesday said that allegations of torture made by detainees in Afghan detention facilities continue at a high rate, and the procedural rights of those detained are largely ignored. A matter of profound concern remains the continuation of attacks deliberately targeting civilians by AGEs. 2020 was the year when Afghans dared to hope for peace, instead they found themselves facing more violence.”, https://unama.unmissions.org/protection-of-civilians-reports. Sixty-five journalists, media professionals and human rights defenders were killed in Afghanistan between 1 January 2018 and 31 January 2021, … as the United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator. Alongside the overall increase in violence, as the year ended, the population was confronted with a spate of targeted killings, referred to by many as “assassinations”, including civilians from the media, civil society, judiciary and the civilian government administration, as well as family members of combatants. List of organizations that are actively providing ReliefWeb with content. Afghanistan: Countrywide Weekly Market Price Bulletin, Issue 41 (Covering 3rd week of February 2021) 24 February 2021 Format Situation Report Source. For now, though, Afghanistan’s peaceful Eid already seems lost in the post-Eid bloodshed. The UNAMA field office in Kunduz, in partnership with the Afghan Women’s Network, organised the campaign as part of national efforts to include diverse views in … Website • Twitter • Facebook (English) • Facebook (Dari) • Facebook (Pashto) • Flickr • Instagram. The inclusion of women in peace negotiations and other decision-making processes has been the focus of a series of discussions currently taking place across Afghanistan, marking ‘Global Open Days’. A report published by UNAMA today on Afghanistan’s fight against corruption highlights how the frequent changes in corruption-related legislation and a mushrooming of anti-graft institutions have done little to stop it; recent reductions in petty corruption – as shown by the latest surveys of citizens’ perceptions – have been minimal. 15 Dec 2020 Afghanistan Peace Negotiations, that began between representatives of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the Taliban in Qatar on 12 September, failed to alleviate the scale of civilian harm, a key indicator of violence levels. Through post incident interviews with victims and their family members, UNAMA identified that more needs to be done by parties in acknowledging and taking responsibility for the harm they caused. Curated pages dedicated to humanitarian themes and specific humanitarian crises. In October, civilian casualties were the highest of any month in 2020, and the following month UNAMA documented the highest number of civilian casualties of any November since records began in 2009. Open job opportunities in the humanitarian field. In Search of Justice for Crimes of Violence Against Women and Girls, December 2020 Download the report in English In too many cases they feel abandoned,” said Fiona Frazer, UNAMA’s Human Rights chief. The United Nations Secretary-General and the Security Council have consistently called for a global humanitarian ceasefire as the best way to protect civilians. RW COVID-19 page: Find latest updates on global humanitarian responses. – Looking to promote dialogue and contribute to local peace, peace centre members of Nangarhar University have been engaging communities in the country’s east. Indeed, it would seem foolish after reading this report to hope for any major reduction in civilian casualties by the end of the year when UNAMA collates its annual report. Two professors, working for the American University of Afghanistan and kidnapped by the Taliban in 2016 in Kabul, were released in November. This includes attacks targeting members of the judiciary, media and civil society, as well as religious minorities, especially the Shi’a Muslim population, most of whom also belong to the Hazara ethnic group, and the Sikh population. Last week, UNAMA released its annual report on civilian casualties in Afghanistan. 3,035 people were killed and 5,785 were injured. in 2020 in Afghanistan. Pro-Government Forces (PGF) caused a quarter of all civilian casualties, totalling 2,231 (841 killed and 1,390 injured), a decrease of 24 per cent from 2019, with the Afghan national security forces causing most of these (22 per cent of the total). United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) as coordinator of international donor activity and assistance. (Last Updated On: March 10, 2021)Yesterday evening, a meeting was held between the the Head of the Political office of the Islamic Emirate, Mullah Baradar Akhand, and his deputy, with UNAMA chief Deborah Lyons & her accompanying delegation. The report acknowledges the progress made by the Government of Afghanistan in reducing the acts of torture and ill-treatment by the Afghan National De-fence and Security Forces, compared to UNAMA/OHCHRs last public report covering the years 2017 and 2018,7 particularly: • A slight reduction from 31.9 to 30.3 per cent They make up 43 per cent of all civilian casualties: child casualties numbered 2,619 (30 per cent) and women 1,146 (13 per cent). UNAMA supports efforts to guarantee the respect for human rights. In total 1,150 women and children were killed (390 women and 760 children). KABUL – There was a rise in civilians killed and injured in Afghanistan following the start of peace negotiations in September, although overall numbers for 2020 were down due to lower civilian casualty rates earlier in the year, according to a report released today by the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) and the UN Human Rights Office. (1) UNAMA’s breakdown in how civilians were killed and injured was as follows: NEW YORK - Mette Knudsen was appointed today by the Secretary-General as his new Deputy Special Representative (Political) for Afghanistan in the United Nations Assistanc. AGE targeted killings (14 per cent) increased by 45 per cent; and PGF airstrikes (8 per cent) were down 34 per cent. United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, to monitor the human rights situation in Afghanistan, provide and expand advisory services and technical cooperation in the field of human rights and the rule of law, and report regularly to the Council on the situation of human rights in Afghanistan… Latest humanitarian reports, maps and infographics and full document archive. Such effort is a step in the right direction and deserves commendation “Parties refusing to consider a ceasefire must recognize the devastating consequences of such a posture on the lives of Afghan civilians.”. The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) is a political UN mission established on 28 March 2002 at the special request of the Government of Afghanistan to assist for sustainable peace and development. Peace remains the foremost priority for Afghanistan stressed participants during a series of UN-backed discussions and events held in the country’s south. AFGHANISTAN ANNUAL REPORT ON PROTECTION OF CIVILIANS IN ARMED CONFLICT: 2019 vi T he 2019 Annual Report on the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict in Afghanistan was prepared by the Human Rights Service of the United Nations Assis-tance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) and covers the period from 1 January to 31 December 2019. - The role of youth as agents of peace and development was spotlighted during a series of UN-backed radio programmes in the country’s central and southeast provinces. UNAMA supports the Afghan people and government to achieve peace and stability. The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) stated in its annual report for last year on the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict that between 1 January and 31 December, UNAMA documented 11,418 civilian casualties - 3,498 deaths and 7,920 injured; marking a two percent decrease in civilian deaths but a six percent increase in civilians injured. Mette Knudsen was appointed today by the Secretary-General as his new Deputy Special Representative (Political) for Afghanistan in, Ramiz Alakbarov was appointed as the Secretary-General’s Deputy Special Representative for Afghanistan with UNAMA, serving also. in 2020 in Afghanistan. The Afghanistan Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict Annual Report 2020 documents the appalling level of harm inflicted on civilians and traces the disturbing spike in violence against them in the last quarter of the year. (Last Updated On: October 27, 2020) In a new report released Tuesday, the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) said the overall civilian casualty figure for the first nine months of this year had dropped by about 30 percent against the same period last year but that the harm done to civilians remains inordinate and shocking. UNAMA calls on all parties and those who can influence them to work toward political solutions to end the conflict. KANDAHAR – Peace remains the foremost priority for Afghanistan stressed participants during a series of UN-backed discussions and events held in the country’s south. Refworld contains a vast collection of reports relating to situations in countries of origin, policy documents and positions, and documents relating to international and national legal frameworks. During the reporting period of 1 January to 30 September, UNAMA documented the killing of 2,117 civilians, with 3,822 people injured. I urge them not to squander a single day in taking the urgent steps to avoid more suffering.”, “Ultimately, the best way to protect civilians is to establish a humanitarian ceasefire,” said Lyons, who is also head of UNAMA. Learn more about ReliefWeb, leading online source for reliable and timely humanitarian information on global crises and disasters since 1996. KABUL – There was a rise in civilians killed and injured in Afghanistan following the start of peace negotiations in September, although overall numbers for 2020 were down due to lower civilian casualty rates earlier in the year, according to a report released today by the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) and the UN Human Rights Office. UNAMA provides 'good offices' and other key services, including diplomatic steps that draw on the organization’s independence, impartiality and integrity to prevent disputes from arising, escalating or spreading. The UN documented 3,458 civilian casualties in Afghanistan (1,282 killed and 2,176 injured) in the first half of 2020, according to a new report released by UNAMA on Monday. In addition, this period marked a 45 per cent increase in civilian casualties in comparison to the same three months in 2019, especially from the use of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and targeted killings. The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) is a political UN mission established at the request of the Government of Afghanistan to assist it and the people of Afghanistan in laying the foundations for sustainable peace and development. More women were killed in the conflict in 2020 than any year since UNAMA began systematic documentation in 2009.
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