umfm pledge o rama

Pledge-O-Rama Is HERE! Subscribe to our newsletter and get a weekly update sent to your email! $75 - every­one who donates at this lev­el or above gets an entry into a draw for a dai­ly Half Pints prize pack and also into the grand prize draw for a pri­vate brew­ery tour & tast­ing for you and up to 20 friends after which you’ll leave with a gift cer­tifi­cate good for a keg of your choice! Posted on October 23, 2012 by Jeff November 3, 2013. October 17 – 24, 2014. UMFM Pledge-O-Rama Date Friday, Oct 25, 2019 at 6pm Performers Hut Hut Location Into the Music Address B-245 McDermot Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, Canada . Call Us At 204 − 474 − 6610 Now To Pledge Your Support! UMFM’s upcoming annual Pledge-O-Rama, a week of programming dedicated to raising listener donations to the station, is set to run from Oct. 18 to Oct. 25. Plain­ly stat­ed, dur­ing Pledge-O-Rama this year, our goal is to raise is $ 28, 000. Since our revi­tal­iza­tion in 1998, UMFM has been pro­vid­ing a diverse range of music and talk pro­gram­ming to Win­nipeg. (If you’d instead like to down­load our pledge form, you can do so at your leisure and email back to us at [email protected]​umfm.​com.). “When we started in 1998, UMFM was able to… Hey gang! He was an icon in life, but since his tragic death on board a plane in 1983, his legend has grown. In return for pro­vid­ing these ser­vices, we are reach­ing out now to our loy­al lis­ten­ers, our friends and our fam­i­ly. If you want to ensure that we can accom­mo­date you, you can always phone ahead at 204−474−7027! UMFM celebrated 20 years of broadcasting in September, and what a couple of decades it’s been! We offer a number of convenient and secure payment options: credit card, PayPal, or cheque/cash. UMFM 101. The fourth annual Pledge-O-Rama fundraiser for 101.5 UMFM is just around the corner and the beloved campus radio station is in need of donations to continue to provide its listeners with “hit-free” content and relevant talk radio. 4:00pm–5:00pm. UMFM’s Pledge-O-Rama Returns! Pledge-o-rama 2019 at UMFM 101.5 continues! What­ev­er the case, now is the time to show us your sup­port by call­ing in and pledg­ing to UMFM, a sta­tion that’s as big a part of your life as it is ours! UMFM has had the same operating budget since 1998 and as the costs of running the station increase, the lack of sufficient funds becomes problematic. UMFM Pledge-O-Rama 2014 News. ← Unique and ultra-rare Stan Rogers signed item auction in support of UMFM Pledge-O-Rama! While we are con­stant­ly explor­ing alter­na­tive rev­enue streams that allow us to main­tain our dai­ly oper­a­tion costs and under­take nec­es­sary larg­er cap­i­tal projects that allow us to grow for the future, we rely on the funds raised dur­ing Pledge-O-Rama to help us make our goals a reality. Obvi­ous­ly no dona­tion is too small or too large, we’re grate­ful for all of your sup­port. In 2012’s inaugural Pledge-O-Rama event, UMFM board of directors set their goal at $20,000; however, due to the charity of listeners, they managed to gross over $30,000. UMFM ’s First-Ever Fund­ing Dri­ve Is Now Underway! FAR #159 → Reasons to support Pledge-O-Rama. UMFM station manager Jared McKetiak talks about our station's annual fundraiser: Pledge-O-Rama. October 18 – 25, 2019. In case you need­ed so addi­tion­al con­vinc­ing, here’s a few more key rea­sons why: This year, 100% of funds raised dur­ing Pledge-O-Rama will go towards a major project that we’ve iden­ti­fied as our main pri­or­i­ty: replac­ing our broad­cast antenna! Pledge-O-Rama 2019 is on it’s way! Station News by Jared McKetiak on October 8, 2013. Stan Rogers is one of the most legendary and renowned singer/songwriters in Canadian history. Archives Archives. We broad­cast a wide array of music, from indie rock to jazz, funk to folk, loud to hip-hop and every­thing in between, not to men­tion our sports cov­er­age and great spo­ken word pro­gram­ming. The weeklong pledge drive, which first began in 2012, was created out of financial necessity. All proceeds from this sale will go to UMFM’s Pledge-O-Rama! Keep in mind, we run a pret­ty tight ship at UMFM when it comes to spend­ing, so rest assured any extra funds left over are always put to good use! October 25, 2019 @ 12:00 am - October 26, 2019 @ 12:00 am. We offer a num­ber of con­ve­nient and secure pay­ment options: cred­it card, Pay­Pal, or cheque/​cash. Plus one lucky win­ner will win a pass­es to both the 2020 Real Love Sum­mer­fest and the 2019 Rain­bow Trout Music Fes­ti­val, com­plete with camp­ing!$150 - every­one who donates at this lev­el or above gets one entry into our now famous gold­en tick­et con­test — par­tic­i­pat­ing venues this year include The Park The­atre, The West End Cul­tur­al Cen­tre, The Pyra­mid Cabaret, The Good Will Social Club, The Hand­some Daugh­ter, The Gar­rick, Jazz Win­nipeg, and The Win­nipeg Folk Fes­ti­val! With the goal of raising $28,000, the station needs your support during this annual fund drive to continue to broadcast music and talk radio of all varieties. Or maybe you’ve attend­ed some of the events that we’ve spon­sored or you’ve been turned onto some amaz­ing new music by one of our many shows. Start­ing at 6: 30 PM on Octo­ber 17 th and run­ning through to 8 PM on Octo­ber 24 th, all of our hard­work­ing showhosts and vol­un­teers will be hit­ting the air­waves and tak­ing your calls in in an effort to reach our goal. October 25, 2019 @ 12:00 am - October 26, 2019 @ 12:00 am. UMFM Buttons, Stickers and Guitar Picks, a UMFM Magnet and a UMFM Travel Mug. Email Address * First Name . Pledges may be paid by in per­son at UMFM Head­quar­ters, Room 310 Uni­ver­si­ty Cen­tre, Mon­day through Fri­day from 10AM until 5:30PM. Pledge-O-Rama is important to the station because it helps us raise funds for capital improvements that often are priced beyond our normal operating budget. Maybe you’ve phoned in and had your request played or have been inter­viewed and expressed your opin­ion on air. It was 20 years ago today that we made our return to the FM dial, bringing you stimulating music and talk programming to our fair city and beyond. The event will take place from Oct. 19 to 26, with the goal of raising $20,000 to help pay for budgetary items such as maintenance costs, audio equipment, and other day-to-day expenses. Jared McKetiak station manager talks about the new fundraiser for the university radio station. We’ve got a num­ber of amaz­ing sta­tion incen­tives to offer you this year in return for your dona­tion, plus many of our shows are also offer­ing up exclu­sives avail­able only to their donors. Tanjit Nagra wins presidency, to lead majority Strong UMSU executive in 2016-17 Arts & Culture ‘Musical chairs’ on air Editorial. Since 1998, our oper­at­ing bud­get has con­sist­ed most­ly of stu­dent fees and ad rev­enue. We pride ourselves on our ability to offer an alternative form of media for our listeners by providing a forum for music and voices that may otherwise go without. Pledge-O-Rama 2019 runs from Octo­ber 18th, start­ing at 6:30 PM (start­ing with Thank God It’s Free Range) and ends on Octo­ber 25th at 8 PM, cul­mi­nat­ing with Thank God It’s Free Range, where it all began a week earlier! UMFM Pledge-O-Rama: Hut Hut Venue: Into the Music B-245 McDermot Avenue Winnipeg. Everyone who pledges to either Tell the Band to Go Home or Steel Belted Radio during UMFM’s Pledge-O-Rama, Oct. 18-25 will receive a copy of The Best of 2012, a collection of great musical moments and memories from last year! Make sure you tune in tonight for our special Pledge-o-rama episode! Help us reach this year’s goal of $ 36, 000, by pledg­ing online using this page and donat­ing to your favourite pro­gram or to the sta­tion as a whole! Our aim is to make pledg­ing to UMFM as pain free a process as pos­si­ble, so we’re offer­ing you a num­ber of dif­fer­ent pay­ment options and pay­ment plans to pay your pledge. This auction is in support of CJUM 101.5 UMFM campus & community radio in Winnipeg, Manitoba. St Arnaud,Icarus,Face Lift Venue: Bulldog Pizza 1364 Main Street Winnipeg . 5 broad­casts at 1200 watts from the Uni­ver­si­ty Of Man­i­to­ba locat­ed on Treaty … $250 - every­one who donates at this lev­el or above gets three entries into our now famous gold­en tick­et con­test — par­tic­i­pat­ing venues this year include The Park The­atre, The West End Cul­tur­al Cen­tre, The Pyra­mid Cabaret, The Good Will Social Club, The Hand­some Daugh­ter, The Gar­rick, Jazz Win­nipeg, and The Win­nipeg Folk Fes­ti­val! We provide a diverse range of music, talk, and specialty programming to the Winnipeg community. UMFM’s Pledge-O-Rama Returns! Thanks once again for sup­port­ing cam­pus & com­mu­ni­ty radio right here in Winnipeg! His songs are revered as folk anthems, and are sung at folk festivals across Canada and around the world. UMFM needs your support Featured video. $36,000 isn’t an arbi­trary num­ber to us, it rep­re­sents rough­ly 15% of our oper­at­ing bud­get goes a long way in assist­ing with the day to day main­te­nance and oper­a­tion of UMFM. While times have changed, fund­ing from the stu­dent fees has stayed pret­ty sta­t­ic, ad rev­enue has decreased con­sid­er­ably, and the cost of run­ning a com­mu­ni­ty radio sta­tion has steadi­ly con­tin­ued to rise. With the cost of run­ning a radio sta­tion con­sis­tent­ly on the rise we rely on friends of. Start­ing at 6:30PM on Octo­ber 18th and run­ning through to 8PM on Octo­ber 25th, our hard­work­ing show hosts and vol­un­teers will be hit­ting the air­waves and tak­ing your calls in in an effort to reach our goal. UMFM 101.5 310 University CentreUniversity of Manitoba Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2N2, Request Line: (204) 269-8636Phone: (204) 474-7027Fax: (204) 269-1299Email: [email protected], Partners and LinksSecurity and PrivacyContact UsTop of Page. Since our revi­tal­iza­tion in 1998, UMFM has been pro­vid­ing a diverse range of music and talk pro­gram­ming to Win­nipeg. – 101.5 UMFM UMFM is currently in the midst of some special programming practices due to COVID, please read the update below or follow our socials for the latest updates! UMFM elected two new board of directors members and announced their goal for their upcoming annual Pledge-O-Rama event at their annual general meeting (AGM). Maybe some of you have won tick­ets or prizes on one of our shows. Loads of great incentives to be had, plus a great episode! The show focuses on singer/songwriters by definition, but really, when you get down to it, we can make a case for playing just about anything (and regularly do). Learn more on our incen­tives page. Pledge-O-Rama 2018 is on now! Since 2002, Tell the Band to Go Home has aired Sundays at 2 pm central time on CJUM 101.5 UMFM, broadcasting live from the University of Manitoba, in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Or if you want to come down to the sta­tion dur­ing Pledge-O-Rama to pledge your sup­port in per­son, we’d love to see you. This year’s goal is $36,000, 15 per cent of UMFM’s operating budget. Station News by Jared McKetiak on October 20, 2012. We can also get you a tax receipt in return for your sup­port, keep in mind the tax receipts that we are issue are only valid in Canada! As with any orga­ni­za­tion, we have changed and evolved over the years but at its core, UMFM main­tains a man­date to pro­vide our lis­ten­ers with a forum for music and voic­es that oth­er­wise go unheard. PDF edition for: March 10, 2021. Just like that wise poet once said, “Everything I Do, I Do It for You.” We at UMFM try very hard each and every day to give a lot to our listeners and our community. Call 204-474-6610 to support UMFM today! Now obvi­ous­ly, the biggest incen­tive of all that any pledgee can receive is know­ing that your are sup­port­ing the qual­i­ty, com­mu­ni­ty-sup­port­ed pro­gram­ming that UMFM pro­vides on a dai­ly basis. How­ev­er, we’d like to thank all of our lis­ten­ers who pledge, and will be offer­ing some great incen­tives, includ­ing your choice of of some lim­it­ed edi­tion UMFM mer­chan­dise or a tax deductible receipt. Some of the improvements we've done over the years include paying for the remote broadcast units, upgrades to station audio … George Bajer-Koulack Venue: Palm Lounge 222 Broadway Winnipeg. The main point here is that fundrais­ing is. 4:00pm–5:00pm, Pledge-O-Rama 2019 is on it’s way! Pledge-O-Rama 2017 is right around the cor­ner, and this year, 100 % of funds raised dur­ing Pledge-O-Rama will go towards 4 key projects: build­ing a new umfm .com, dig­i­tiz­ing our music library, replac­ing our core broad­cast com­put­ers and installing new UMFM lis­ten­ing hotspots on the U of M Cam­pus! Final­ly, lis­ten­er sup­port dur­ing Pledge-O-Rama also helps pay fixed costs like radio tow­er rent, net­work main­te­nance and utilities. Explore more events Manitoba Music. On-air now: Tell The Band To Go Home 2:00pm–4:00pm, Up next: Your show here – apply today! We are 100% con­fi­dent that meet­ing, and hope­ful­ly sur­pass­ing, our Pledge goal in 2019 would mean that we could tack­le this project head on! Spotify; Facebook; Twitter; YouTube; Instagram; RSS; … It’s all in support of UMFM’s Pledge-O-Rama! The University of Manitoba campus radio station UMFM 101.5 is planning its first annual Pledge-O-Rama event, and this weeklong fundraising extravaganza promises to be out of this world. UMFM 101.5 310 University CentreUniversity of Manitoba Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2N2, Request Line: (204) 269-8636Phone: (204) 474-7027Fax: (204) 269-1299Email: [email protected], Partners and LinksSecurity and PrivacyContact UsTop of Page, We are replac­ing our anten­na for a cou­ple of pri­ma­ry rea­sons – first, the cur­rent anten­na is more than, We need to stress that this will not increase our wattage from it’s cur­rent, Our lis­ten­ers pro­vide the roadmap for our future. We’re hap­py to accept the fol­low­ing forms of payment: Please note that we can only accept in per­son pay­ments dur­ing reg­u­lar office hours, 10 am to 5:30 pm, Mon­day thru Fri­day. The first annual UMFM fun(d)raiser—Pledge-O-Rama—kicks off this Friday, and will run from Oct. 19 to 26. We’re rais­ing funds for our eighth con­sec­u­tive year, hope­ful that it will con­tin­ue to bring us all a lit­tle clos­er to this great com­mu­ni­ty that we all know and love so much!. We offer a num­ber of con­ve­nient and secure pay­ment options: cred­it card, Pay­Pal, or cheque/​cash. The station’s target this year is $24,000, which amounts to 15 per cent of their total annual operating budget, and as of Wednesday at 10 p.m. roughly $21,000 in pledges had already poured in over the phones. Past Pledge-O-Rama suc­cess has allowed us to replace our trans­mit­ter, pur­chase field record­ing and remote broad­cast­ing equip­ment, main­tain all of our major broad­cast gear, main­tain and upgrade our live record­ing stu­dio, replace and upgrade com­put­ers that are essen­tial to our oper­a­tion and build this beau­ti­ful web­site you are read­ing right now. On-air now: Tell The Band To Go Home 2:00pm–4:00pm, Up next: Your show here – apply today! You can pay in one lump sum, or you can choose to pay month­ly, quar­ter­ly, semi-annu­al­ly or in what­ev­er oth­er con­fig­u­ra­tion that works for you, it’s just that easy. Pledge-O-Rama Tax Receipt Update Station News by Jared McKetiak on January 13, 2020 Just a heads up that if you con­tributed to UMFM , chose the tax receipt as your option and paid for your pledge dur­ing the 2019 cal­en­dar year that your tax receipt will be mailed out the week of Jan­u­ary 21 st , and arriv­ing for you short­ly there­after, depend­ing on how the ol’ crow flies. Your campus and community radio station, UMFM 101.5, is bringing Pledge-O-Rama back during the week of Oct. 17-24. October 25, 2019 @ 12:00 … Station manager Jared McKetiak spoke with BeatRoute about the importance of this event. There are so many reasons to support community radio including the amazing variety of eclectic programming you can hear on UMFM! Witchpolice Radio episode #202: UMFM Pledge-O-Rama mixtape. Make your donation now by clicking this link! The AGM took place on Sept. 19 in the UMGSA lounge. Treaty 1 Territory 1-376 Donald Street Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada R3B 2J2. Make your donation now by clicking this link! Map. After Pledge-O-Rama kicks off, we’ll be answer­ing those phones dai­ly from 6AM until 3AM. Your Pledges can be made over the phone (204−474−6610), in per­son (Room 310, Uni­ver­si­ty Cen­tre) or online. * indicates required. How­ev­er, if you miss dur­ing our prime pledge hours, you can just leave us a mes­sage at 204−474−6610 or drop us a line at [email protected]​umfm.​com and one of our Smooth Phone Oper­a­tors will get back to you ASAP! It also goes towards every­day inci­den­tals such as mics, cables, head­phones, turntable main­te­nance and nee­dles. Pledge-O-Rama 2019 Is On Now! Help us reach this year's goal of $36,000, by pledging online using this page and donating to your favourite program or to the station as a whole! For more information, visit: All proceeds from this sale will go to UMFM’s Pledge-O-Rama! at the edge of canada live for umfm pledge-o-rama 2017 migizii agamik foyer hosted by trevor phillips monday, october 16 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. the show will be live from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the edge pledge-o-rama october 13-20,2017 101.5 204-474-6610 . Plain­ly stat­ed, dur­ing Pledge-O-Rama 2019, our goal is to raise is $36,000. PLEDGE YOUR ALLEGIANCE UMFM is home to many dedicated volunteers and staff, kick-ass local bands on the airwaves, a wide variety of programming and the second annual Pledge-O-Rama, the campus radio’s pledge drive. We've certainly learned a lot during these past 20 years, proudly making some amazing radio. With Pledge-O-Rama now in year 8, once again we ask you, our loy­al lis­ten­ing audi­ence, for finan­cial sup­port — we know that you love UMFM’s pro­gram­ming and per­son­al­i­ties and that you under­stand how valu­able inde­pen­dent cam­pus and com­mu­ni­ty radio is in this day and age! Needs financial support, asking people to call in and pledge any amout! UMFM, the home of The Hockey Show, is currently in its week-long pledge drive known as Pledge-O-Rama. There might have been a few missteps along the way, and we t I remember the dark, lonely days before campus & community radio rejoined the fm airwaves, and I remember what a huge hole was blown into my awareness of great music and events in this city. Phone : 204.942.8650 Fax : 204.942.6083 Email : For over a decade, I have been blessed to be a host with CJUM 101.5 UMFM in Winnipeg, where I strive to spread the word about great music and culture. Pledge-O-Rama 2013 Is On Now! For 10 years I put these together and gave them away at Christmas time. Winnipeg has once again made it on the Intelligent Community Forum’s Smart21 list. $101.50 - every­one who donates at this lev­el or above gets an entry into a draw for one of three week­end pass­es to the 2020 Real Love Sum­mer­fest, tak­ing place from July 27th thru the 28th in Teu­lon, Man­i­to­ba! 101.5 UMFM (CJUM) is the official campus and community radio station of the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Help us reach this year’s goal of $36,000, by pledg­ing online using this page and donat­ing to your favourite pro­gram or to the sta­tion as a whole! Audio Preview With a return to Win­nipeg’s air­waves in 1998, UMFM has been pro­vid­ing a diverse range of music, talk and spe­cial­ty pro­gram­ming to Win­nipeg. Last year’s Pledge-O-Rama raised over $40,000, which went toward new computers and the new website.

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