swimming pool film review

Rampling is a pleasure. Swimming Pool contained good symbolism, acting, and especially great cinematography. This film owes a great deal of gratitude to the second collaboration between Francois Ozon and his leading lady, Charlotte Rampling. Classic! Then, what we see developing is Sarah using Julie as the inspiration for her writing. Very Hitchcockian. Swimming Pool is a first rate film from French genius François Ozon. Also, both films have a middle-aged female as the protagonist who becomes involved in covering up for the actions of a child (in "The Deep End" a literal child, in "Swimming Pool" a figurative one). Don't know why some of my literate friends who are reputed movie aficionados thoroughly trash this most entertaining movie. I was brought up in the sixties, and enjoyed the film-noir genre, the character movies, the French and Italian philosophical movies, the black-and-white films, the films made by the actors, the director and the plot together. I think the symbolism of the murdered man is killing the man that likes the stronger personality, but cannot resist the temptation of a younger girl - just like her editor lover who cannot leave his wife but will indulge in side affairs. Eventually she even steals glimpses of the girl's diary. Beautiful throughout with superb acting and an amazing picture. Charlotte Rampling spends the first scenes of Swimming Pool wrapped so tightly in a raincoat that it's clear she'll eventually either loosen up or suffocate. Great movie that only women can understand! Genres: Erotic Thriller, Psychological Thriller. Europeans usually like this type of story, but in this situation, the film does not give necessary hints about the real intention of the plot, and the viewer can speculate only. So, Swimming Pool is a film that makes me sit on the point of my chair for more than 1 hour and a half. Maybe in this day of cartoon character/techno-effects/fast-paced action flicks, this type of leisurely paced, yet focused tale, is passé. Makers of erotic thrillers need to be careful, as that is a genre that, if not handled carefully, can quickly fall prey to silliness and excess (think "Fatal Attraction"). Rampling starred in his "Under the Sand" (2000), a film about a husband who apparently drowns and a wife who simply refuses to accept that possibility. Her privacy, and her sense of decorum. The caretaker is about to investigate something that is best not investigated. Well now, let me see ... we learn at the beginning that Morton's daughter might well drop-in on the writer - as she is only borrowing Morton's house in the Luberon area of Provence. It is a very mature, engrossing film with a metaphorical plot. Swimming Pool follows Sarah Morton, a British author that travels to her publisher's dream home in France in order to have a rest while she works on her new book. Swimming Pool. From the opening credits it immediately begs for your attention and once it has you in its grasp, you will find you cannot escape. And characters we might think are kith and kin of the 'real' people we encounter, are in fact nothing but kin to the fine imaginings of the typing hand. DVD Reviews. Sarah is surprised, intrigued, disapproving, curious. Swimming Pool film … Récompenses et distinctions. Swimming Pool follows Sarah Morton, a British author that travels to her publisher's dream home in France in order to have a rest while she works on her new book. Although I admired the character portrayal and felt the movie visually artistic and even brilliant at times, I was not emotionally invested in Sarah Morton enough nor in Julie's to care. (You know, the same way we think of our parents or grandparents.) And Julie provides much inspiration! The French sure are the best movie makers. There is one moment late in the film that displays Rampling's cool audacity more than any other. , then you will probably enjoy this one. Swimming Pool Review. Was young Julie merely a "Sarah alter ego", a fictitious character that she fantasized as herself if she had the guts? My vote is seven. Swimming Pool (2003 film), a film directed by Francois Ozon, with Charlotte Rampling and Ludivine Sagnier. Here's what really happens: Sarah is burnt out and blocked, all right, but her bad mood has more to do with the fact that her editor no longer shows her the personal attention he once did. In London, the successful and weird middle-age writer of police and mystery novels Sarah Morton (Charlotte Rampling) is passing through a phase of lack of inspiration. Killing him is getting rid of him from her life and allowing her to move on - which she does at the end when she moves to a new publisher. Sarah Morton (Charlotte Rampling) est auteur de romans policiers à succès. I loved this film and I went into it blind. That, however, depends on your viewpoint; the action is stretched, but the relaxed tone of the film blends magnificently with the beautiful French scenery, and Ozon's attention to detail with the characters ensures that, although slow, Swimming Pool never descends into boredom and there's always something on offer for it's audience to enjoy. The ambiguity presented at the end is designed to make us ponder whether it all really happened or was just a real-time fantasy with the eponymously titled book the result, unfortunately it rather draws attention to the script's shortcomings instead. From the movie Swimming Pool - Sarah (Charlotte Rampling) tries to exert some control over Julie (Ludivine Sagnier) by inquiring her whereabouts the previous night. The local people encountered in the Luberon quickly become assimilated into Rampling's novel - their more outmodish acts being inventions of the novelist's mind (but being re-played inside an Ozon movie). And there the fun begins. We learn something about this man's life at every poolside, until finally we are able to piece together a story of his disgrace and failure. Rated R Living in Europe, this isn't a foreign film for me! This thriller makes best use of everything that makes cinema great, and it is therefore a delight to view. François Ozon, 2003. ... Ozon lets us see his characters directly; and then through the mind of Charlotte Rampling's (as author) character. She asked us to see it, and explain it to her. A few days later, she starts writing again, but her quiet rest is shaken with the unexpected arrival of Julie (Ludivine Sagnier), the sexy daughter of John. In other words, the publisher raped his daughter Julie, and the child they had is Julia. Meritorious but tries to be something it is not. A film that just about delivers on both scores, but can't really stand up as either. FAQ La piscine or The Swimming Pool is a French crime film, directed by Jacques Deray, who is known as a master of crime, and written by Jean-Claude Carriere; a long time companion of Luis Bunuel, for instance. All is well and quiet until Julie (pretty and nubile Ludivine Sagnier) shows up, claiming to be the daughter that Sarah's publisher failed to mention. Dive in! Quiet versus loud, modest versus brash, and cautious versus libertine. Ryan Pretend Play Swimming Underwater Pool Adventure!!!! This isn't a movie for those put off by nudity or the French habits of liberal sleeping around. A delicious little thriller about an uptight, ill-humored English mystery writer who becomes enmeshed in murder, Swimming Pool is at once comical, contrary, resourceful and ambiguous. Our neighbor Donna has a knack for buying offbeat DVDs, and 'Swimming Pool' is one of the more. She leaves for France, and tries to leave the mother-side of her womanhood behind (even if just for a little while) She finds it hard (because she still phones her father to see if he is all right, but only once in the beginning.) This gimmick always makes for a memorable ending in movies that employ it, but too often it makes the rest of the movie seem somewhat pale in comparison, and this is the case here. Series / Reviews. Swimming Pool - Der Tod feiert mit hat bei mir persönlichen Kultstatus. When Charlotte goes on the vacation to the French countryside to clear her head, she actually enters into the world of the characters she is about to write about in her new book. And how there is nothing more disturbing than trying to conceal a crime that cries out to be revealed. SWIMMING POOL. In 1975, he won the Pulitzer Prize for distinguished criticism. When a well-known British author takes a respite in the French countryside and is paid a surprise visit from her publisher’s promiscuous daughter, worlds collide. Neither goes the direction in which the viewer thinks it's going to. However, "Swimming Pool" is much more abstract, and its ending leaves you wanting to watch the whole thing over immediately with an entirely different perspective on the action. Charlotte Rampling, who also starred in Ozon’s Under the Sand, is superb as the fussy and short-tempered mystery writer. The soft porn elements were very strong but the acting on the part of Charlotte Rampling was stronger. Why Are Women Dissed and Dismissed in the Film Industry? My favourite line from the film is when Charlotte says: "Hmph! The daughter allowing her to write the mother's book is her giving herself permission to write about her own pain and rejection. I first saw this film on HBO in 2005 and now own it. The film is about imagination and how the author uses it to solve her real life issues. But without reading any information or clue from the writer and director François Ozon about his real intention, it is impossible to give a precise clarification. Two strands apply - the direct-to-Ozon's mind, and the indirect, via Rampling. He also made the terrifying 57-minute film "See the Sea" (1997), in which the mother of an infant befriends a young woman hitchhiker and begins to feel that it was a dangerous mistake. Swimming Pool grossed $10,130,108 in the United States and $12,311,215 internationally for a worldwide total of $22,441,323. Charlotte Rampling has a magnificent interpretation, Ludivine Sagnier has a very erotic performance, but to become an excellent film, many clarifications are missing. Clever movie that does not reveal itself until at least 15 or 20 minutes after it is over. In the French psychological drama Swimming Pool, Charlotte Rampling plays Sarah Morton, a prim, middle-aged author who specialises in murder mysteries featuring one Inspector Dorwell, a spiritual brother to Inspectors Morse, Dalgliesh, Frost and Wexford. 'She threw me a look I caught in my hip pocket," Robert Mitchum's private eye says of Charlotte Rampling's femme fatale in "Farewell, My Lovely" (1975). Swimming Pool is a mesmerizing French drama directed by Francois Ozon. That said, this was a very bold film. Check out Swimming Pool critics reviews. The mix-and-match mode - as strand crosses strand, weaving a rich texture of reality versus illusion, fiction versus fact, and dream versus daylight - the enjoyment being in the management (in each viewer's mind) of the strands, understanding when the author's fiction is being played-out across the screen; and when we are back again inside the movie-director's mind (as opposed to one of his character's i.e the novelist). On the contrary! In François Ozon’s ‘Swimming Pool’, nothing is as it seems. The daughter, the gardener, the guy at the café are all characters in her book and she is living vicariously through them and their lives. The dog leaps, the crew gets the shot, it’s a wrap, everyone’s happy. A successful crime fiction author, Sarah, is suffering from writer's block and needing solitude and a change of scene her publisher suggests she take a spring break in his holiday house in the Luberon part of France, which she does and it seems to be working. I loved how beautiful this movie was... great performances. The actors, especially Rampling and the actress who plays Julie, are impeccable. I don't think she ever had an affair with John. Everything that Julie is, carefree, bold, and over sexed, Sarah isn't. Roger Ebert was the film critic of the Chicago Sun-Times from 1967 until his death in 2013. Then an unexpected visitor turns up: Julie (Ludivine Sagnier), the daughter her publisher didn't think to tell her about. HBO and others continue to run it. Unfortunately, the payoff falls a little flat. Sarah accepts the invitation and travels to the wonderful and lonely place. One is a bitter young woman who loved him once. Ryan have fun playing in the pool … The movie was really too slow for me for the first 70 mintues, however, and I kept wondering, what is the point of painting us a pictures of this dour and unhappy author's interactions with a lustful irresponsible bratty young woman? Swimming Pool is not as psychologically complex as Under the Sand or as disturbing as the film that first brought Ozon international acclaim, See the Sea. But she seems like a 15-year-old going on 35!!! Ludivine Sagnier being the case in point - and she a cruel joke against Morton's dismissive inattentions towards our writerly heroine. Now she is tired and uncertain, and her publisher offers her a holiday in his French villa. She doesn't want to be seen as a mother, but as a woman. E.G., were there two daughters, one legit and the other out-of-wedlock? I applaud her for her nude scenes and her honest portrayal of a character we see too less of in Hollywood, the sexy older woman who is not threatened by us young-ins! Metacritic Reviews. This movie is a real precious piece of art ,and the acting done by "Charlotte Rampling" deserves my thanks and appreciation and admiration too, i didn't think that it's going to amaze me with such twisted plot , this movie is in my ten most confusing ends movies , you will not be able to find an appropriate,logical interpretation for the story that easy , every explanation will refuted by another explanation from another viewer,therefor i think this film plot was accurately and purposely done to confound the viewer/mind-blow them so every one has to make interpretation that fits them . External Reviews | Her privacy has been violated. Let us say that Francois Ozon, the director and co-writer (with Emmanuele Bernheim), understands as Hitchcock did the small steps by which a wrong decision grows in its wrongness into a terrifying paranoid nightmare. The gawky, tooth-banded teenager has, in all likelihood, been in Provence all along - and in the projection of the novelist's mind - fashioned into a femme-fatale that makes the LuDIVINE we see on our screens, (and as the central protagonist of the Rampling novel, were it at hand to be read)! It’s almost worth it. But, for those willing to invest a little effort and 100 minutes of their time, the film is involving enough to make it worthwhile. Sarah and Julie are like fire and ice, oil and water, acid and caustic. I for one, however, very much enjoyed Messr. On the plus side, the casting is good, it is nicely filmed and edited, the location is very pleasant and those who like the poster shouldn't be disappointed. Charlotte Rampling plays the central character of Sarah Morton, a writer who seeks new inspiration at her publisher's vacation home in the south of France. She craves for some attention, not as a money making machine, but as a WOMAN. It had a budget of €6.1 million (approximately US$7.8 million), meaning that it was a financial success. A-Z Archive. I do not agree with the majority that the filmmaker intended the protagonist's stay at the house to be a creative hallucination. Julie is gravid with self-confidence in her emerging sexuality, appears topless at the villa's swimming pool, brings home men to sleep with--men who have nothing in common, except Julie's willingness to accommodate them. This film is beautifully staged and acted, with some good dramatic tension and lovely scenery. In Swimming Pool, this realm is more “simple” than “deceptively simple”; indeed, anyone half-expecting a requisite twist should easily spot the rhetorical transition that splits the film in two. Posted by Richard Booth Published . One of the best movies ever. Film Reviews. Starring: Charlotte Rampling, Ludivine Sagnier. My view is that the girl who appears at the house -- Julie -- is the publisher's daughter, and that the girl who appears at the end of the movie in the publisher's office -- Julia -- is the child that he had with Julie (and therefore his daughter/ granddaughter). Swimming Pool; Swimming Pool Review. It is an intriguing story, the entire atmosphere is inviting, makes you feel good and being with Sarah/Charlotte all at once. By the end of the movie, she has rediscovered herself as a combination of these two parts and can move on from her lover/publisher, one that will never leave his family, and start fresh as a whole woman. After it is over, you will want to go back and think things through again, and I can help you by suggesting there is one, and only one, interpretation that resolves all of the difficulties, but if I told you, you would have to kill me. Auf die möglichst falsche Weise ist hier jede Szene die geilste Szene. Alluring and Deceptive, Beautifully Spare, Sometimes Slow, An Excellent Idea Wasted In a Very Disappointing Conclusion. She gets jealous of the new writer, because he is flavour of the week with the publisher John. Ozon's subtle, twisting and metaphorical story-telling. The continuing layer of lesbian love lays upon their relation, no matter what they do to each other in the beginning of the story. "Swimming Pool" is more of a conventional thriller than those two--or if it is unconventional, that is a development that doesn't affect the telling of most of the story. However, her tranquillity is soon disturbed when her publisher's daughter; a sex-crazed, good time girl, turns up out of the blue and turns Morton's rest into something quite different. C’est parce que nous vivons dans une société de fourmis qui ne jure que par la valeur travail. Five Unforgettable Rising Actresses of 2020, Let’s Start Talking: On the Powerful A Concerto is a Conversation. A great movie. You really don't want to read this unless you have seen it. However, a friendship, of sorts, develops as they hang out by the swimming pool, for which Sarah conceives an ambiguous fascination. LE COMMENTAIRE. I shall not even attempt to rehash what scores of erudite reviewers have already delineated regarding the unfolding of the plot line. Nothing is real except for Charlotte Rampling's character and her publisher. First of all: I like this type of film very much! The murder seems clumsy and pointless (and would leave a lot more evidence at the scene than that shown) and the disposal of the body rather pedestrian (not that more inventive methods in real life have prevented detection). The Swimming Pool is also a clever, if bloodless, revenge story. Sarah is annoyed. What she does to startle and distract him I will not hint, but what a startling moment, and what boldness from Rampling! Production / Funding. "Swimming Pool" plays tricks with your perceptions, but the finale to which the film builds seems somewhat anti-climactic when it finally comes. At first, the film comes off as a typical erotic thriller, luring you with its sensuous intrigue. Ryan have fun playing in the pool with his VTubers Friends like Combo Panda and Gus The Gummy Gator! User Ratings En panne d'idées, elle accepte la proposition de son éditeur : se rendre dans la maison de celui-ci, au fin fond du Lubéron pour y retrouver calme et inspiration. Bollywood copied elements of this Idea for their film SHABD! I read the first 50 or 60 comments on this film and was quite surprised at the varying and extremely imaginative interpretations put forth. "The Swimmer" begins as a perfectly realistic film. | This thriller makes best use of everything that makes cinema great, and it is therefore a delight to view. I loved this film and I went into it blind. The daughter character is also real but you don't see the real person until the end of the film.

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