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It may be something as simple as wanting to run with your children. Without this drive you will still struggle to develop the healthy habits and lifestyle changes that are essential to finding the new you: Most men will have a trigger that focuses them on getting into shape. Our Fit Father Project Team’s deepest commitment is to helping you live healthier for both yourself and your family. HEATING UP. As you can see, there are endless conditioning drills that you can do with a basketball in your hands. You don't need to focus on the pedometers which show you how many steps you have taken. If you are looking to make yourself the best basketball player you can be, you should check out our Athletic Development Workout Program. It doesn’t need to be complicated or even hard work to start getting in shape at 40 or over. BUT… in this article, we'll show you simple and sustainable workout and eating habits that will be manageable and effective over the long term. Exercise Bike – If you don’t want to run for your cardio, you can always hop on an exercise bike. The problem is – whether you are 30 or 80 – if you believe you are too old, then you ARE too old . That’s why our Fit Father Project staff-writers are all trained professionals in the field of health and wellness (registered dieticians, licensed personal trainers, and licensed physicians) – see the full team here. It is true that running is a popular way to get conditioning in, but it is not the only way. It might be a particular photo that shocks you with how you look. But it is! Also, check out this next-level transition offense drill from the National Collegiate Basketball Hall of Fame Coach Danny Miles. Add intervals of high-speed sprints to cardio workouts, followed by slow recovery periods. Two-Ball Dribbling – Two ball dribbling is another way to work on cardio and ballhandling. To do this drill, you start in a standing position; then you move into a squat with your hands on the ground. 12. – The Fit Father Project Team. And when you want to lose more weight, This Is the Safest Way to Lose Weight Over 40! There are probably a set of battles ropes at your gym, and if not, you can buy some online. Lifescript talked to experts about how to fight those midlife bulges. However, you will want to, you will actually enjoy it, and you will not have a problem with finding the time! On the flipside, believe it or not, we get emails from 30-year-olds explaining why they are too old – how it’s too late for them to get in shape, learn a skill, try something new, etc. Keep your back completely straight, and clench your core. Below, you can check out several different drills to work on your basketball conditioning to make sure you are in great shape for your next game. You may have thought that you no longer need a bedtime; this is something that you do for children to ensure they get enough sleep, (or to make sure you have an evening). With clubs throughout California, we're here to help you meet your fitness goals. College basketball games have 40 minutes of actual playing time and NBA games 48 minutes, although in each case that may be spread out over more than two hours, allowing for breaks, dead balls and other play stoppages. When people say they need to do cardio or conditioning, everyone immediately thinks of running. You will do all of this without stopping to build up your endurance and work on your sprinting. Being in shape is essential to be able to perform well in sports, but being in cross-country shape isn’t the same thing as being in basketball shape. Small note about research cited in this article: *Always remember: weight loss results & health changes/improvements vary from individual to individual. Don’t attempt to do this just for you; think of your family as well. Unfortunately, this is not always an option when dealing with your fitness. Doing cardio like brisk walking, jogging or … So I actually went out and played basketball for a few hours yesterday. I mean, trying to dunk a basketball in itself is awesome. Muscle burns more calories than fat. Other than possibly giving you an energy boost it may not feel that important. But it's not too late to get fit. To get in shape fast, aim to do at least 150 minutes of cardio per week, like walking, running, or swimming. Just because these studies cite certain data does not mean you will experience these results/outcomes. When you are using an exercise bike to get in shape for basketball, you might want to try different intervals where you go really hard for a short period of time, and then go slow for a bit while you recover. This can help you work on your conditioning as well as your ab strength. Learn about some basketball conditioning drills you can do on your own below. This workout, along with the many others that you can access through the Fit Father Project, can be achieved in less than half an hour! Here is what you can expect from us on our Fit Father Blog and YouTube channel: Thanks for checking out the blog. All Rights Reserved. Try to hold four a minute, then repeat three more times. Then, you will start at any area of the sideline and sprint to the ball, pick it up, and take a shot. Exercises for Men Over 40 to Get Back Into Shape. For example, if one picture has suddenly opened your eyes to the weight you have gained over the years, then keep it with you. However, it is important to avoid overtraining. Then, you will grab your rebound and shoot a layup at the other end of the floor. We include research-based videos to accompany our articles to make it easier for you to consume our content, put it into action, and see results. Get in shape for basketball season with five sport-specific conditioning drills from STACK Expert Ramon Williams. Basketball. 17. 9. 3. Get into a push-up position, then lower your body weight onto your forearms. Full-Court Dribbling & Layup Drill – The full-court layup drill is exactly what it sounds like. This exercise requires you to run from sideline to sideline as many times as you can in one minute. Minute Sideline Sprints – One common basketball conditioning drill is sideline sprints. Battle Ropes – Battle ropes are a great way to get a great cardio workout while also working your back, chest, lats, and more. 19. His off-season workout has been called the 666 program because he spends 2 hours running, 2 hours on basketball, and 2 hours weightlifting (for a … 1v1 Speed Dribble. Sideline Sprint Shooting Drill – With this drill, you can set a basketball on a chair somewhere within the three-point arc. When it comes to running drills, you want to keep in mind that intervals can help you get into basketball shape. When you are using an exercise bike to get in shape for basketball, you might want to try different intervals where you go really hard for a short period of time, and then go slow for a bit while you recover. Although healthy eating will have the biggest effect on getting in shape at 40, you do still need to exercise, or at least perform physical activity each day. Speed Skaters – This is another cardio exercise you can do with no equipment and very little space. To get in shape fast, aim to do at least 150 minutes of cardio per week, like walking, running, or swimming. Also, check out this next-level transition offense drill from the National Collegiate Basketball Hall of Fame Coach Danny Miles. You can simply lunge across the room and back, or you can lunge in place, jumping to switch to the other side, which can add a challenge. Your free throw percentage is about to get a whole lot better! HEATING UP. In this case, higher levels are what you need. While some of them may have your best interests at heart, not all of them will. 9 Below, view more conditioning drills for basketball coaches to use during practice for all ages. If you're frustrated with stubborn belly fat, failed diets, and time-consuming workouts, this is the answer you’ve been looking for…. College basketball games have 40 minutes of actual playing time and NBA games 48 minutes, although in each case that may be spread out over more than two hours, allowing for breaks, dead balls and other play stoppages. Of course, you should ask why getting to bed on time matters for getting into shape. 16 Conditioning Drills to Help Your Team Get In Top Shape. 16 Conditioning Drills to Help Your Team Get In Top Shape. Because as far as we’re concerned, you’re our family too. 80% of your success when it comes to getting healthy will depend on your diet – unless you are running marathons on a daily basis, you cannot outrun your fork, and you can’t out-train a bad diet. Then, you will start underneath the basket, dribble around the first cone, and go take a layup. The Kobe Bryant workout routine features a hefty mix of track work, basketball skills and weightlifting. Check out a few running drills below that can help you mimic what happens in a basketball game. Arc Layup Drill – For this drill, you will need five cones as well as a basketball. After age 40, you just don't have the energy and momentum of your younger years. Wanting to lose 10 pounds is great, but make sure your drive to get in shape extends beyond the scale. Start in a standing position, and then, bend your knees and push your hips back into a squat. Information overload can often lead to inactivity and a downer to your motivation. How to Mount a Basketball Hoop to a Garage. PT, Precision Nutrition 1. After a hiatus away from the Fitness industry, working in Corporate Management and Finance, Stuart returned to what he loves… Fitness! 8. 6. From your squat position, push off and jump up as high as you can. Subscribe to our free monthly newsletter to receive new drills, plays, scoring tips and coaching strategies, College basketball games more closely resemble the types of games that young people will be playing. The important thing is to build a habit of this simple activity. As this is the hormone that tells your body when you are hungry, lower levels are good! 1v1 Speed Dribble. Our bodies do get stronger, but you want to run past the finish line, not crawl to get there.” There are many training programs to help you get in shape for these races, but expect to spend at least two months on pre-race training, clocking miles three to six days each week. However, you need to get at least 6 or 7 hours sleep a night. So, the higher your muscle (and lower your fat), the more calories you can consume without gaining weight. Simply replace your habitual walk with the Fit Father 24-min fat burning workout. One of the 10 best ways to get better at basketball is to be a student of the game. When you are running in water that is at least up to your chest, it builds resistance and gives you a great cardio and muscle workout. Walking is something you already do every day, so it should be fairly easy to increase the amount you do. However, you can control how much work you put into your game and your basketball conditioning. We have a lot of great resources that can help you step up your game and your team’s game. Simply subscribe to our monthly newsletter and receive: 72 Basketball Drills & Coaching Tips - 136 page eBook, 21 Basketball Tips & Tricks for Players - 20 page eBook, 32 Winning Basketball Plays - 96 page eBook, Over 200,000 players, coaches and parents subscribed. You don’t control what your teammates do, you don’t control your coaches, and you certainly don’t control the officials. With this drill, you will start at the baseline with your partner. By signing up for a race, competition or fun run, you'll have a concrete goal to work towards. (See Three Ways to Get in Basketball Shape. It’s really great to be able to dunk a basketball, to get yourself higher up than you thought possible. Check out these basketball conditioning drills you can do with the ball in your hand: 1. 0 Shares Share on Facebook Share on Twitter There is a … In this video we'll go over how to get in shape for basketball and how to become more conditioned for basketball. BUT… Keep reading below to see how you can learn to ‘make' time for your workouts. It focuses on high-intensity exercises that produce maximum results in the minimal possible time; allowing you to slot it easily into your busy schedule and join the thousands of other men over 40 who have added getting in shape to their achievements; even past 40, 50 or 60! 0 Shares Share on Facebook Share on Twitter There is a … Check out these conditioning drills if you are looking to take a day off of running, but you still want to get in more cardio. Finally, you will sprint to the other baseline and back. If you want to get in shape quickly, start making slightly better food choices! To get an idea of exactly how your butt changes every decade or so, ... AGE 40. The Fit Father Meal Plan – with simple & delicious recipes, Safe & Effective Workouts Program – only 90 min/week. You can continue circling the court this way until you make a certain number of layups or for a set time limit. You can also work on your 1v1 moves by setting up cones and making dribbles moves each time you reach a cone. We do not advocate any health advice that we wouldn’t personally implement with our families. Basketball is a physically challenging sport so it’s best to be in as good a condition as possible. 1. Below, view more conditioning drills for basketball coaches to use during practice for all ages. Getting back into shape might seem like a monumental task if you've been sedentary or exercise infrequently. On days when you are doing soccer workouts, you don’t have to overdo it on basketball conditioning. And when it comes to online content, integrity and trust is everything. We can’t wait to support you toward greater health, energy, and vitality. A speed skater is when you start from a standing position and take a step to the right while moving your left leg behind you. It will be much harder to be the all-around Basketball Jones you were years ago, so concentrate on specializing more. With this exercise, some people have a specific number of times you have to hit the sideline, like 17, but if you can’t quite reach this number right away, you can start lower and work up to 17. The offensive player will dribble the ball, trying to get past the defensive player while he tries to stop the offensive player. This exercise works many muscles in your body, and if you do several in a row, you are also building up your conditioning. Two big changes that have an effect on men's body composition are a slowing metabolism and reduced testosterone levels. When training with battle ropes, have a few moves that you plan to do during a set amount of time. Super 17s. You will set up the five cones anywhere along the three-point arc. When you sleep, your body balances your hormone levels. 7. I'm having trouble finding "jab with a quarter step - go" on this page. Jump Rope – Jump rope is another great basketball conditioning drill because it works on your lungs as well as your legs. Aqua Jog – An aqua jog is simply running in the pool or another body of water. If you are looking for some conditioning drills with no running required, check out the options below. Get in shape for basketball season with five sport-specific conditioning drills from STACK Expert Ramon Williams. This return led to a chance meeting with Dr. Balduzzi, and a place in the Fit Father Project team. If you ever struggle with motivation, one look at this picture will ensure you are ready to exercise. Fortunately, we at the Fit Father Project are here to help. 4. Just click them to share via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. See the FF30X Program overview here. When you are running in water that is at least up to your chest, it builds … Getting in shape has never been so easy, and we know you'll actually enjoy it! These two natural changes will, unfortunately, lead to decreased muscle mass and increased body fat. So, if this has fired you up to start getting in shape at 40 and become the fittest father on your block, all you need to do is follow these 5 steps. The two factors must work in conjunction. You can alternate the dribbles, dribble one ball high and one ball low, or you can even weave through cones while dribbling two balls. VIP Accountability Coaching – our Fit Father Team will personally walk you to success, step-by-step. You can’t expect results when you exercise inconsistently and infrequently. The idea is that you can pick a few of these drills to try out a few times a week to improve your basketball conditioning. BUT… More effective exercise will help to address this metabolic shift and reduction in natural testosterone. Step #1 – Get into the right Mindset. It’s also a way of just getting yourself in fantastic shape. All of our content is written and reviewed by licensed health professionals (dieticians, personal trainers, doctors). You can turn almost any skill drill into a conditioning drill by running between reps or going full speed. 2. Men just like you are getting in shape; not just doing it for themselves, but for their families and loved ones. Man in the Hole – If you have a partner, this can be a great drill to work on conditioning, ballhandling, and defense. 3. Generally this will be around 40 grams of carbs and 20 grams of protein. Having a measurable result, like a mile time you want to break, and setting a desired date of completion, will also add a much-needed sense of urgency to your journey. Rest assured, getting fit after 50 is absolutely possible. Men older than 40 can lose 8 percent or more of their muscle mass every 10 years. They are the proof that what you want to achieve is possible. You should work in at least 2 or 3 rest days total per week. Your estrogen levels ... you can totally keep your glutes in shape, lifted, and tight. Remove processed foods from your shopping and focus on vegetables and lean protein. 20. It may not be as easy as it was when you were 20, but the rewards will be just as great — if not more so — in your later years. This drill will get you cardio in the running to the ball, and it will also help you focus on taking shots at game speed. When coach gets pissed off and yells, "Seventeens!" In-Shape Health Clubs. Dribble to each cone, then crossover, and switch hands each time you reach a cone. Receive 72 drills, 32 plays & 7 shooting workouts! Prepare your meals in advance. Burpees – Burpees are a drill to combine strength and aerobic conditioning. Stuart gained his Diploma in Personal Training & Sports Medicine through Premier Global, back in 2001. Jump Squats – Jump squats are another way to build up your strength, endurance and improve your vertical jump. 1. Logie advises you to cut out your eating after 8 p.m. or so, or at least be sure to stick with protein or vegetables that keep blood sugar levels down. Additionally, do interval training 1-2 times per week, where you alternate between short bouts of high intensity cardio with longer bouts of moderate intensity cardio. 14. Aqua Jog – An aqua jog is simply running in the pool or another body of water. Super 17s are a great tool for punishment, but they're also a great conditioning drill that you can willingly do yourself to get in better basketball shape! You'll find four categories of drills below... As discussed above, basketball involves a lot of sprinting up and down the court. While you are running up and down the court, you might as well multi-task by working on your skills at the same time. Which drill are you referring to? 2. Thanks for reading! There are many training programs to help you get in shape for these races, but expect to spend at least 2 months on pre-race training, clocking miles 3 … The Fit Father Project has designed a range of meal plans, which you can sample with our free 1-day meal plan which will illustrate the sorts of food you should be eating and how easy it is to adjust your eating habits. Trying to get back in shape is frustrating at any age; but it can be even more discouraging when you're older and wondering whether it's even possible. Above all, we are a community of likeminded men and women committed to living healthier. You can also move the ropes side to side, or move the ropes in circles. Full-Court Partner Sprints – If you have a teammate who wants to get in some basketball conditioning, you can do this drill together. Create an eating schedule to ensure you eat properly throughout the day. This will take away any decisions where you might otherwise select an unhealthy ‘on-the-go' snack. Many players don’t want to put in the extra work it takes to be great, especially if this means working on running and basketball conditioning drills. There is a simple reason for this: exercise increases the level of lean muscle in your body. The Internet's #1 Website for Basketball Camps, Resources and Learning Products, Enter your email below to get your FREE copy of. Then, you will sprint to the free-throw line, touch it, and sprint back to the baseline. You should not be doing all of these drills every day of the week. When you get to the other side of the court, turn around and start again. Until next time, I hope this has given you everything you need to start getting in shape at 40. A high school basketball game is 32 minutes long, so you must be prepared to be running and defending for an extended period of time. It is the cornerstone of having enough time to introduce more intensive and productive exercise. Additionally, do interval training 1-2 times per week, where you alternate between short bouts of high intensity cardio with longer bouts of moderate intensity cardio. 5 Things You Need to Know About Doing Suicides in Basketball. These drills range from just running to drills with a basketball and even drills with no equipment required. It may not be as easy as it was when you were 20, but the rewards will be just as great — if not more so — in your later years. While you are running, your partner can rest. 2. It wasn’t going to be easy: I figured I’d need to add five or six inches to my vertical in order to dunk a regulation basketball. You can get our free 1-Day meal plan and our 24-minute fat burning workout for free. The Fit Father project is here to help you. Then, you can repeat the interval process. Fortunately, by following these guidelines, you will. You have to believe you're going to succeed in your goal of getting in shape at 40. but It got me thinking. These running drills are beneficial because they can help you get in game shape. Then, you will sprint to the far free-throw line and back. You can put in the time practicing free throws, dribbling drills, and improving your conditioning. 13. Throughout his career in Fitness, Stuart has trained hundreds of clients, worked in almost every position in the industry, and ran his own successful training studio. This is very different from running three miles in cross country. You can find many different jump rope drills like single foot jumps, hopscotch, side to side jumps, and more. Subscribe to our free monthly newsletter to receive three free eBooks with over 270 pages of content. Then, you can repeat the interval process. plus three free eBooks with over 270 pages of our favorite basketball drills and plays! Then, you will take a step to your left with the left foot while moving the right leg behind you. Lunges – Lunges can build up your leg strength as well as your conditioning. Your knees should be under your hips. The Fit Father Project has already helped thousands of men to improve their physical fitness and their possibilities for the future. You will need to build up your endurance and strength to help avoid injury. We just listed a few drills, but you can check out more drills right here. After you shoot the layup, grab your rebound and dribble around the next cone for a layup. Always consult with your doctor before making decisions about your health. Include box jumps, box squats, deadlifts and one-leg, split-squat jumps. As they get older, many weekend warriors who play team sports such as basketball and soccer, plus athletes who engage in solitary physical pursuits … But I would recommend to someone that they give it a go for at least six months. Basketball. Therefore, if you continue to eat in the same way as you have always done, this metabolic change will mean you don't naturally shift as many calories as you previously did. You will need two cones, and you will put one cone at the top of the key and another at the elbow. You will, of course, need to exercise and slightly change your eating plan. By watching college basketball games, it can help young players understand the game better and get a better feel for basketball being played more as a team. By signing up for a race, competition or fun run, you'll have a concrete goal to work towards. You can choose to commute on foot instead of the car, walk at lunch break or even first thing in the morning. The first step to playing a game of basketball is building up your general fitness and endurance levels through a solid exercise routine. You get everything you need to succeed – including: © 2020 Fit Father Project. Make sure to include at least one full day of rest between workouts. 18. And we aren’t just a team of “academics” sitting in an ivory tower. Rest assured, getting fit after 50 is absolutely possible. Repeat the drill to work on conditioning and leg strength. Basketball is a fast paced sport so a sufficient warm up to prepare for the game ahead is vital. Mountain Climbers – For this drill, you need to get in the top of a push-up position. So maybe swap out that piece of chocolate cake for a carrot, and you'll be in shape in no time. These intervals are repeated to help build up endurance. This drill can help you improve your layups as well as your conditioning. Instead of focusing on the next film, regardless of what time it ends, know that you need to go to bed. The first step, which you can take right now, is to stop eating processed foods. Swimming – If you are already running a lot, or you are looking for a different type of cardio, you can try swimming. you know you're in for it! 4. Next, you will kick your feet back into a plank position. You can jump rope for a set amount of time or until you get a certain amount of jumps in. We are here to support you and guide you on every step of your journey; it doesn’t matter what your current level of fitness is; you can improve your lean muscle mass and reduce your body fat. 15. For example, one battle rope drill is simply moving the ropes up and down as fast as you can. Then you will jump back up to the squat position and then stand up. Try this week-long workout from the Men's Health Muscle After 40 program to start. I can't remember the last time I actually did before then. Inside our articles & videos, we do promote our free meal plans, workouts, and/or paid programs, because we know they have the potential to change your life. ... Get Better at Basketball. At the same time sleeping increases your levels of leptin, which is the hormone that tells your body you have had enough to eat. 12. After age 40, you have to earn respect all over again. We rigorously run all of our articles through a rigorous editorial process to ensure the accuracy, simplicity, and utility of the information. If you want to get in shape quickly, start making slightly better food choices! Much of the time the issue is that you do not have the time or motivation to stick to a workout. Ghrelin levels decrease when you sleep. In 2018, he completed his Level 1 Precision Nutrition qualification. These are also quick drills that you can incorporate into your day to get in better shape. Whatever the trigger is, you need to hold onto this. When you finish, your partner can start so that you are pushing each other to go as fast as you can.

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