scrunchy mom meaning

For instance, the scrunchy mom might feed her child an organic foods diet, but use disposable diapers every now and then. On the other hand, this kind of categorizing can feel a bit ridiculous. Welcome to the Scrunchy Momma blog, I already know what your thinking "what does scrunchy mean?" If your concerns are more focused on attachment parenting and being close to your baby, then hold her close in a sling. scrunch meaning, definition, what is scrunch: if stones, leaves etc scrunch as you wal...: Learn more. If you haven’t yet heard the term “scrunchy mom,” it’s basically the word coined to describe moms who are a mixture of both silky and crunchy moms. Learn more. Scrunchy moms are yet another species in the world of parenting ornithology. There’s nothing wrong with making this decision if it’s the best one for you. You might be a crunchy mom … More: 30 beautifully raw photos that capture the reality of childbirth. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Animals, plants, and even cloud types are recorded and chronicled in minute detail. Scrunchy moms are not quite crunchy moms (think natural living) nor are they silky moms (think modern conveniences), but a mixture of the two. Scrunchy moms practice a little bit of both, and I think this is a great thing to be stuck in the middle on. With the help of Urban Dictionary allow me to explain! “Mom, you were mad.” “Yeah, I was. Information and translations of scrunchy in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. If you haven’t yet heard the term “scrunchy mom,” it’s basically the word coined to describe moms who are a mixture of both silky and crunchy moms. She makes informed choices by looking at a more natural way of life. Then it … Meaning of scrunchy. See crunchy and hippie. The ability to look at the pros and cons of every situation to find how it’s best for you to move forward is a great quality and something that your kids will watch you do their entire lives. I’m all for protecting the environment, and I completely get that using disposable diapers is bad for landfills, but the thought of dirty diapers semi-washed in our tiny NYC apartment hamper until laundry day makes me gag. a crunchy mom, or one who favors organic foods, a silky mom favors sleep training techniques, scrunchy mom combines both crunchy and silky mom preferences. She is a good Mom in her own way. The crunchy moms turn to alternative medicine, focus solely on breastfeeding and are known for their love of cloth diapering. Urban Dictionary: scrunchy mom A mom that is a mixture of both a silky and crunchy mom. A scrunchy mom combines both crunchy and silky mom preferences, as noted in Kidspot. Maren Morris Is Trying Not to Use Baby Talk With Her Son; Should You? Therefore, I choose not to cloth diaper, and it’s a decision that I can live with. With most schools requiring vaccination for entry and your understanding of modern-day medicine, your kids will most likely have all their shots up to date. It means that you get to take the best from both sides and always figure out what works best for you and your family based on your current needs. Does a silky mom slap an apple out of her tot's hand to replace it with a can of soda? The stories you care about, delivered daily. I am a coach, teacher, and Semi Crunchy Mama to two boys and a girl who challenge me to be better every day. First and foremost, enough with the judgement already. Register Now! Basically its a mum who does what she wants! One who questions established medical authority; tends to be vegetarian and/or prepare all-organic foods. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. She is accepting of unorthodox approaches, and has a willingness to learn about unfamiliar cultures. Confused? So here are some things you MUST do in order for people to … And all the other Moms in between. ies. But if that’s not your thing, strapping them in a safe stroller is an awesome alternative. One who may formula feed, and vaccinate as well as hospital birth but may use cloth diapers and make their own baby food. She is an advocate of natural birth, non or selective circumcision, not vaccinating, baby wearing, breastfeeding, co-sleeping, cloth diapering, attachment parenting, homeschooling, organic and green living. Growing up with that influence will allow them to go through this decision-making process when making choices in life instead of flying by the seat of their pants. It feels like the vast majority of mothers would fall under the scrunchy category — picking natural, sustainable choices sometimes, and opting for convenience at other times. Whatever you want to call it, there are as many definitions for “crunchy mom” as there are moms. A member of an increasingly growing group of moms who are neo-hippies. Every mom is doing it, and so should you. Mother who supports homebirth, breastfeeding, baby wearing, cloth diapering, co-sleeping, gentle discipline, etc. A mom that is a mixture of both a silky and crunchy mom. To crumple or squeeze; hunch: scrunched up their shoulders; scrunch one's nose against a window. If breastfeeding works for you and your family, great. Organic foods are super-expensive, and if you’re anything like me, you buy them when they’re on sale or fall into the family monthly food budget. I went in knowing what I wanted with everyone around me ready to follow my birth plan, but also made an agreement with myself if I wasn’t able to handle that pain that having an epidural was OK — and it is! I planned for an unmedicated birth because I had an epidural the first time around and I wanted to experience labor in a different way.

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