kinsey institute library and special collections

The art collection contains fine art prints, drawings, paintings, sculpture, photographs, novelty items, and sexual health artifacts. LIANA HONG ZHOU is director of library and special collections at the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University, Bloomington. The information for Darius Kinsey's photographs was researched and prepared by the UW Libraries Special Collections Division and Cataloging staff in 1999. The Kinsey Institute Library and Special Collections house extensive art, photography, and archival collections, including the papers and correspondence of Dr. Alfred Kinsey. Related Filed under: Institute News , Library and Collections Tagged archives , collections , gift , … The Kinsey Institute is considered to have one of the largest collections of library, archival, and art materials pertaining to sex, gender, and reproduction. Selection, research and descriptive metadata for Clark Kinsey's photographs were completed by Kristin Kinsey, Kathy Stice, Katherine Donaldson, and grant staff in 2003-2013. PDF content dates back as far as 1887. When Salil and Yousuf met in 2005 in Miami, Florida, they had graduate school, not marriage, on their minds: Salil had left his village and working-class family in northern India to study neuroscience, and Yousuf had left Bangladesh for cardiovascular research. Annie and Sarah met at a gay bar at an AIDS benefit drag show in Bloomington in 2009 through a mutual friend and connected on Facebook shortly thereafter. Welcome to the library catalog for the Kinsey Institute Library & Special Collections The Kinsey Institute Library materials are cataloged in IUCAT, the Indiana University Libraries online catalog. He is a key member of the Kinsey Institute’s COVID-19 research team into the pandemic’s effects on sexuality and intimate relationships. The Kinsey Library and Special Collections continue to document the demands, struggles, tragedies, and triumphs of individuals and communities concerning human sexuality. Kinsey Institute Collections staff worked with IU Libraries to identify and accurately catalogue these exceptions to keep our special items in ALF1. The collection includes peer-reviewed journals, full-text periodicals, reports, and books, for STM research, the Social Sciences, Humanities, and other areas of academic studies. Liana Zhou has served as the Kinsey Institute Director of Library and Special Collections for over 20 years. ... Module I: Research Collections from the Kinsey Institute Library & Special Collections In 2018, he was appointed a Bicentennial Professor at Indiana University. For more information about the Archive for Sexology or the Kinsey Institute Library and Special Collections, please contact Liana Zhou at Library, archive, and art collection. The Kinsey Institute Collections encompass print materials, film and … Module I: Research Collections from The Kinsey Institute Library & Special Collections This module focuses on sexology and the work of sex researchers, combining advice sought by members of the public with the corresponding answers, thoughts on research proposals and work sent by academics and medical professionals to the Kinsey Institute. Kinsey Institute Collections staff worked diligently and tirelessly managing the ALF depositing process, collaborating with colleagues from ALF, and keeping statistical records. This unique collaboration with the Kinsey Institute Library and Special Collections presents correspondence, research papers and records spanning the tenures of the first three Institute … The current collection began as Alfred Kinsey's private research collection. Sex & Sexuality is a collection of primary source materials which explore changing attitudes towards human sexuality, gender identities and sexual behaviors throughout the twentieth century. The Kinsey Institute at Indiana University is pleased to announce the donation by Dr. Erwin J. Haeberle of his online international Archive of Sexology ( These online materials will now be available as a research and educational collection through the Kinsey Institute.

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